Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
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That a guy who owns a custom bike forum would have a garage full of bikes.

The truth is, I try not to get too attached to any of them and when I want to start another project or do something else I usually sell something off to cover the cost. To me they are nice to have and fun to play around with, but in the end, they're just "stuff". I also have this neatness issue and I can't stand having a cluttered or messy garage. The new house we moved too has less garage space so I'm pretty limited as to how many I can have at one time.'s the current line up...

2006 Raleigh P.U.B.


2004 Electra Rat Fink


2008 Electra Red Betty (wife's)


1942 Westfield


Pre-War Elgin Bomber


1987 Schwinn Sierra


Anything else you may have seen in the past is now owned and enjoyed by someone else.

I currently own five bikes and my wife owns one. I keep two of them in my office at work so I don't fill the garage up. :mrgreen:
Ahh c'mon've got some awesome bikes. :wink:

I will say that I am at a point where I don't really want to sell any of these off.

It's been a while since I was able to say that.

This means if I do have to do it at some point it will sting a little. :cry:
looks like youve got plenty(even more than i least rideable :lol: ) and as said before...quality over quantity is a good thing sometimes
the pic of the wifes bike doesnt count, you should take that pic down and replace it with a bmx or lightweight bike to balance things out :wink:

this past year ive started realizing the same thing, too much stuff !!! trying to get down to around 10 bikes myself including a ride for my wife and a 12" 16" and 20" stingray for my boy. i think ill have to "give" some bikes to some family members so they can store them for me and it wont add up to my "collection" :mrgreen:
oh boy, your walking a dangerous line.

3 modern bikes and 3 old bikes (if we let that 87 schwinn count)

we expect better from our rat rod leader, better buy more old bikes. :)
icyuod2 said:
3 modern bikes and 3 old bikes

If you don't count my wife's bike and the Sierra it's two and two. :mrgreen:

I would like to find a cool old frame for the next build off. :wink:
I'm the same way. I have my one beach cruiser, and one BMX cruiser, my girl has her beach cruiser, and a mountain bike..... thats it. I don't even want a pile of bikes, I have no interest in being that guy.
Rat Rod said:
That a guy who owns a custom bike forum would have a garage full of bikes.........The truth is......... I'm pretty limited as to how many I can have at one time.

we're not angry, just disappointed. :|

i'm kidding of course. i have way too many at home and at work myself, but it's hard to find suitable buyers for bikes that have a lot invested in scarce parts and modifications that most folks don't 'get'....... :wink:
It would be scary if I had a big metal building somewhere and lots of extra money sitting around.

Although, if that were the case I'd probably be spending it on cars. :lol:
Those are some beautiful bikes. I did indeed imagine you had an airplane hanger full of bikes. :D

I know what you mean about keeping a clutter free place. I'm currently trying to do that. In my past hot rod life, I've allowed myself to get out of hand with collecting stuff. Actually more like hoarding. At one point, I had 9 cars at my place and none of them ran. I had them stored inside and out. I had a dissassembled model T Ford in the back room of my basement. I had 5 engines stashed around the place....etc.etc. It's all gone now and I've currently got two bikes and two motorcycles.

Cleanliness is the way to go. I've been thinking of it as space being as important as stuff for one's well being....if not more important. Clean space equals a clean mind.

Thanks for sharing pics of your bikes. :D
Well, thanks for coming clean with us Steve. Now that you've done that, I think we all agree that you should seriously consider devoting a room in the house, be it the spare bedroom, dining room, or kitchen, to being your new bike/parts/storage and assembly facility.

If we could just get each RRB member to send you one part, you'd soon be enjoying a life of rust, grease, paint chips, and small metal parts. Ah, the simple pleasures.

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