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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. N

    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker Stop right not finish this project! Pack it up and send it to Montana immediately...the fate of the free world is at stake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I love this build, nice work man! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. N

    Made my 1st custom head badge

    Re: Made my 1st head badge too I do headbadges....more diesel punk look than yours, but your piece is OUTSTANDING!! :D Nice work!
  3. N

    rust is beautiful

  4. N


    Keep at're doing a great job and have increased interest in our hobby.
  5. N

    Best way to do "body work" on bikes

    Aside from getting out the hammer and tap tap tapping myself into madness, what is the best way to get pieces straightened, dents removed, etc. on bikes. I know the local motorcycle guys typicall just replace the parts anymore and lbs, doesn't do body work. Thoughts?? Thanks
  6. N

    First build

    Like it....darn, I wish I knew how to weld!
  7. N

    Board Tracker, Imitation 1910 HD, TANK INSTALLED!

    Re: Board Tracker, Imitation 1910 Harley Davidson Got 3 drawknives.....consider your idea.....stolen for my next rat build! Thanks for the I love this forum! :D :D
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    Nuttin But Rat!

    Is that one of Sorcerer's lights??
  9. N

    Monark Cruiser Question ! Help

    Looks like a "Roadster". That was the bike just below their "Super Deluxe" for a while. Nice bike, I love the colors. Reminds me of my dad's '56 Chevy Bel Air.
  10. N

    '52 Monark 24" - Smokin' in the Boyz Room

    Liked it in the Build the pic...Thanks!
  11. N

    How to Make : Wide Rims + litle tricks

    Nice project....especially for guys who don't weld. :D
  12. N

    Prayer Request

    My wife has been very ill....for the past 10 years. Steroids are nasty but sometimes it is the only way to go..... You've got many prayers coming to you from my wife and I...I'll pass along your request to a few friends with prayer chains as well...
  13. N

    New from NOLA

    Did you happen to go to the Bike Festival in Abita Springs last June?? I live in Montana, but was on a visit and made it there......AMAZING!
  14. N

    How to cut glass sealed beam bulb ?

    I carefully drilled out the filament posts and inserted the leds in the holes...I'm thinking about redoing it though, more lumens may be necessary..
  15. N

    Brooks saddle. Is this restorable?

    Old it and ride it!!!!!
  16. N

    Board Tracker, Imitation 1910 HD, TANK INSTALLED!

    Re: Board Tracker, Imitation 1910 Harley Davidson I like what you did with the 2 frames! Nice, and yes, put a motor on it!
  17. N

    Pitina Panther

    I always enjoy seeing how people prop up their wheel-less bikes! Nice!
  18. N

    Rusty Racer...

    I love this bike and would like to know your aging techniques.....c'mon mon.....share the goods! :D
  19. N

    Headbadges, I made one!

    Nice work!
  20. N

    Pipe Bending. What are you using?

    Yo Jack, you're in luck. It is getting to be that time of year here in Montana, and I suspect in Maine as well. Here's a method to bend pipe without kinking it....I used this on copper tubing all the time. Take your pipe, cap one end good, fill it with water, stand it outside overnight and...