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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Social Reject

    Interesting Unusual Bikes

    I love each and every one of them. What's up with the handlebars on the first pic? Is that some sort of periscope set up or something? It looks like one of those projector thingys used in schools....
  2. Social Reject

    Der motorroller

    That last shot reminds me of a different time. I'd love to be in that shot and gas up at that old pump (I know it's just for show) and take off across that endless field. Pure poetry. :wink:
  3. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    This is a cool shot. This bike is the one that is the main inspiration for me wanting a 3 wheel project in the first place. Thanks for the links, Sensor.
  4. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    Dang. See, I KNOW they look cool. I KNOW I like them. :wink: Beautiful:
  5. Social Reject


    Beautiful! :D
  6. Social Reject

    3 wheel bikes: is there a stigma?

    I think stigma is the right word.... Is there some sort of stigma attached to riding a 3 wheel bike? I know with motorcycles, the general idea is that the only time it's alright to ride a trike is if you are disabled somehow. (of course Ed Roth didn't care about that stupid rule one bit did...
  7. Social Reject

    Grunge Rudge update

    This pic made me think of that Digital Underground video "Humpty Dance"..... It's a cool bike. Especially since I like Digitial Underground. :wink: How did you make it plaid in the first place?
  8. Social Reject

    Cruisehard's Rat Rod adventure(pic heavy)

    These are very cool pics. Thanks for sharing. That's an awesome place to ride too. It's really cool being able to see where other folks are riding in other parts of the country.
  9. Social Reject


    Automatic Transmission Fluid is what I use. I usually squirt it through my antique hand held oiler. Sometimes I'll mix in some leftover motor oil or even some 80 wt gear oil. I don't use any sort of scientific method. I like the idea of the solvent mixed in. I'll try that one. The toothbrush...
  10. Social Reject


    That looks very cool. :D
  11. Social Reject

    Matching Electra Rat Rod matte black paint?

    ....also, counting bikes I bought for parts, I went from 0 bikes to 12 right around the time I signed in here. :wink:
  12. Social Reject

    Matching Electra Rat Rod matte black paint?

    That's the answer right there. I like the abuse. It gives it character. It makes it more real. Those factory rat rods are cool (I'd love to have one) but the only way to get any real character is by age and use.
  13. Social Reject

    Daddy's Girls

    Girl's bikes rule. :D
  14. Social Reject

    Great vid of when Americans made bikes

    Those pinstriping ladies were something. I liked that "jig" they used to roll the fenders under the brush. That was a cool vid. I suppose it wasn't all apple pie though...I couldn't help but notice that they did chroming in house. I bet nobody back then thought anything at all about the fumes...
  15. Social Reject

    Trek Rail Three

    Nice looking bike. I didn't know Trek made a frame that looked like that. I had to look in the archives to find it. Very cool. I love the Trek cruiser I have. So far, it's proven itself to be a well made and reliable bike. :D
  16. Social Reject


    I notice he didn't address the bent spoke in that thread. :wink: Those bikes look cool. I'm just not going to buy one from Wal Mart. I watch the local classifieds for these bikes all the time. :wink:
  17. Social Reject

    My daughter's Baptism (good day)

    God bless your daughter. That's awesome.
  18. Social Reject

    NEW STUFF AT WAL-MART (Op Bike PICS ADDED) Whoah! Look at the "DELUXE"...zoom in on the front wheel....find the bent spoke. :shock: This is what Huffy showcases on their website?!?!? Isn't the corporate website supposed to show the product in the BEST possible...
  19. Social Reject

    Moore's Cycle Shop Truck - karfer copy

    Very nice. It's got a mean look to it. :D
  20. Social Reject

    Fat drag slicks?

    Thanks for suggesting the 3-G tires too! I'd never heard of them.......looked them up and they are cool. Not exactly old school looking, but way cool nontheless......Definitely a possibility. Thanks for the replys.