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  1. T

    3 piece Crank work on Shelby??

    Cool guys thanks!
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    3 piece Crank work on Shelby??

    Im Building a complete custom 40's Shelby and Im wanting to do a 3 piece crank but Im not sure what fit and what wont. Im wanting to know if this Crank set-up will work? BB Work? My bike is white and i think these would look killer and since its a Shelby and the Crank says Cobra...Shelby...
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    Oklahoma anybody?

    Anybody here from oklahoma? I live in Tulsa and Im looking for peeps in my area.
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    Good saddle?

    OK im looking for a Good Comfortable saddle. What do you guys recommend? I love the looks of a Brooks Saddle but dont like the price. I want something that is kinda vintage looking and that will last but not a big price tag. Im building a Klunker Style bike but kinda on a budget.
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    air cooled beetle + rat bike

    Its sitting on AIR RIDE the wheels will straighten up when you raise the air pressure in the rear. Its only sitting that low for looks not for driving.
  6. T

    Retro looking LED headlight??

    Thats looks freakin sweet! Kinda Steam punk like..
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    Anybody interested in buying this bike?

    OK the build I'm working on I need black Wheels, I'm thinking about buying a bike from walmart and taking the wheels off it and then selling the frame but would anyone on here be interested in buying a bike with no wheels? I looked at buying wheels online but I can pay the same amount for a Full...
  8. T

    What would you pay for this Elgin?? Pics Fixed!

    Ok cool thing happened, I went over to look at this bike and said just take it and we can work out some kind of deal later. Cool! This guy is a junk guy who likes cool old stuff so I'm always on the look out for stuff for him. So This was a good deal after all. Dang that bike was heavy!
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    Street skinny cruiser thread!

    I love the way your bike looks. Nice, Simple, and Clean.
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    What would you pay for this Elgin?? Pics Fixed!

    The guy told me to make him an offer. I have yet to see it in person but from the pics it looks rough.
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    Spacelioner-finished (for now)

    Re: Spacelioner-a Sunday afternoon project Sweet bike man, I love spaceliners.
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    Picked up a real beauty Sears Spyder

    Thanks! Pm'd
  13. T

    get to voting yall

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    Picked up a real beauty Sears Spyder

    My bad thanks
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    Picked up a real beauty Sears Spyder

    Picked this up tonight its in very good condition. Any interest? I dont need to keep it. Sweet Banana seat.
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    Picked up a sweet Shelby tonight

    What you guys think I should do different?
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    Picked up a sweet Shelby tonight

    Thanks I paid $70 for it. Good Deal?
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    Picked up a sweet Shelby tonight

    Totally rat Not wasting time Not sure if I totally like the stem and handlebars but I just threw some parts on Please give me pics of other Shelbys!
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    Nice bike if Im not mistaken that neck stem is wrong, and so is the sissy bar. Give her some love!
  20. T

    Lets see your bottle openers!

    Some one asked for bottle openers? That's my specialty, I collect beer related openers. O yea I stole ur idea thekid