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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. N

    Rust.I.P. Rat

    what's that blue bike in the background of the second photo???
  2. N

    courier bike????

    not worth ANYTHING...send it to me...i'll get rid of it :lol:
  3. N


    I think Hooch does this I've removed several headbadges from frames that were only worth scrap (if that) due to severe damage/rust.
  4. N

    freak bike storage

    ...or eyesore...
  5. N

    E-Z Rider Transforms into Night Rider any more photos of your GF instead?
  6. N

    E-Z Rider Transforms into Night Rider

    the bolt that you tighten to hold the handlebars to the stem (neck)...the bracket mounts to the bottom of that (the side with the nut)...that's the "normal" mounting location as seen here (but not very good):
  7. N

    Switching shifters and maybe rear derailers

    friction shifters are better...IMHO...but I like the vintage AND classic stuff
  8. N


    my standard is in MUCH better shape...but it's staying on the bike!
  9. N

    1 1/8" headset help

    might be easier to cut the spacers are cheap...or us PVC pipe (and paint it).
  10. N

    comfortable seats

    from Sheldon Brown's website Here A comfortable Saddle Everybody wants a comfortable saddle on their bicycle. What is not so obvious is what constitutes a comfortable saddle. Every spring, bike shops sell scads of saddles to cyclists who come in because their old saddle has...
  11. N

    ok you welders

    cromoly is still long as the "regular" frame is steel, not a problem.
  12. N

    Seat post needed

    i have used seatpost shims...they work ok if you're just tooling around the 'hood...wouldn't do any off-road stuff.
  13. N

    Happy Birthday...

    Rat Rod...sorry it's a day late
  14. N

    The Green Monster (nerd bike)

    imagine the weight with a middleweight (cantilever frame) or heavyweight frame (using the same components)...that bike would weight a TON!
  15. N

    Seat post needed

    i have MANY it an original seatpost or longer? from what (if original)?
  16. N

    schwinn deluxe 7

    great score! i'm looking for a girl's frame version...i want the internals from the tank! and yes, it is nice to see "cruiser"-style bikes coming GF has an OLD-ish Dyno, but she doesn't ride it much...she likes her Bianchi Milano (lighter-weight aluminum frame)
  17. N

    'nother new member here...

    that bike is should send it to me for a proper disposal :wink: welcome to the site!
  18. N

    my take on how low

    you should try the tensioner method used on the old Schwinn Twinn (you can sort of see it here):
  19. N

    A Wrealy Old Ratter

    I STILL love the skirt-guard... that bike would look GREAT in my bike shop :wink:
  20. N

    dumpster diving finally paid off

    i have an Evil Knievel seat that would go GREAT on that frame/fork/fender combo!