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  1. L


    Here's a pic of the bike I completed last year. Frame: Ruff Porucho Fork: Custom made from Pedal Chopper Wheels: 24x4 from ChoppersUS, Matte black, chrome spokes. Tires: 4" from classic-cycle Seat: Geyes that I stitched with black and white nylon shoe laces. Seat post: Made/bent by one of our...
  2. L

    Coaster brake sprockets

    I have a super fat wheel and all of the sprockets except one is loose when I slide it on the hub, is this normal. They all fit, but the ones that are a little loose click when I pedal, are sprockets all not created equal?
  3. L

    My 6yr old sons first build-The Flying Tiger Shark.

    Found this bike on CL, guy wanted 35 bucks for it, traded an old frame I had that I was never going to use, he got a better deal, but I saved some bucks, kind of. The reason I picked this bike is that my son wanted a bike that looked like my Felt and this is about as close as I could get.
  4. L

    Clear coat over raw metal

    I'm stripping all the paint off a kids bike, was going to paint it blue but after I used wire wheels to remove the rest of the paint, my son now wants to keep it raw. Been doing a little reading, need to clear it somehow. What are the steps after it's all prepped, do I use a clear adhesion...
  5. L

    Seat paint?

    I'm building an old kids bike for my 6 year old. The seat (Troxel) that came with it is made out what looks like a plyable rubber with an S on it. It's two toned, but I would like to paint it, is this even possible? I would change the seat but this bike has a wonkie skinny ass seat post, I mean...
  6. L


    do some companies put their logo on only one side of a tire. Ex. I just bought some super fat tires and they are marked only on one side, same with the thick bricks I have. It's not like back in the day where some auto tire companies did this, but you could just mount them so you could not see...
  7. L

    Fat bike tires..

    Howdy all, I'm building my second bike now, I think I have the bug but don't have the space. I had wheels built by chopper usa (4 inch beasts), but have no idea what tires will fit. They sell a chopper tire which is 4 1/4 which I can buy, but will a 3 inch tire fit these rims like thick bricks...
  8. L

    Bottom Bracket help

    I have a ruff cycle frame and on their site it states this in regards to a bottom bracket..Bottom bracket: USB-BB / BMX. Can someone point me to what type of BB/crank set I should purchase? Sorry, but I'm a noob and don't want to mess it up. Thanks.
  9. L

    Worksman frame questions

    Just received a worksman frame that I will start building up so I have a few questions.. First off, what is the widest rim/tire that will fit? Would love to get a set of the copper colored rims (26) that our host is selling? Can I install a monark springer, I'm guessing yes? What is the seat...
  10. L

    Is this a Western bike... To me, this is such a cool looking frame, the lines are amazing. Don't care about the paint job, but is it a western bike, I can't seem to find a post with a frame like this, or maybe it's just the angle? Also, is it worth the money? Thanks...
  11. L

    Dig this bike, but..

    really don't dig the price, plus I have no clue what this thing is worth??
  12. L

    Crank/Wheel/tire q's on felt.

    As you can tell by my post count and my upcoming questions, I’m a noob, but you have to start somewhere. I just picked up a Felt surf city Huntington Beach cruiser off CL and want to customize it, so bear with me. My goal is to black out all the polished chrome pieces with black substitutes to...