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  1. Oldbiscuit

    FOUND Drop down kickstand holder

    Not sure what the name is, but I need the spring clip that mounts on the rear end of the back fender that holds the drop-down kick stand up..
  2. Oldbiscuit

    1924 Billesbach

    Here is my latest build. I’ve been working on it for a couple of years now, but since I retired I kind of lost interest for a while. Decided to get back on it, hopefully get it finished yet this winter. I didn’t take a lot of build shots , but i’de rather build than photograph.
  3. Oldbiscuit

    California wild fires

    I hope and pray that none of you or your families are directly affected by the latest California wild fires. That has got to be just devastating.
  4. Oldbiscuit


    Happy Veteran's Day to all my fellow veterans ! Thank you for your service ! May we as a nation fly our flag high and proud !
  5. Oldbiscuit

    TV and radio ads

    I know I’m old but my wife and I were watching TV last night and I couldn’t help but notice how commercials these days are all about drugs and hygiene products. Granted there are tons of political commercials, but those will disappear after next Tuesday for another two years. Growing up it...
  6. Oldbiscuit

    My Christmas present to myself

    Today is the start of our holiday break at the college I’ve worked at for the last 29 years, but more importantly it is the start of my retirement !! I’ve dreamt and fretted about this day for a long time now. I am so looking forward to my new life style !! Merry Christmas to you all and a...
  7. Oldbiscuit


    Why is Kid Sister listed in class 1 finished bike listing but it wasn’t in the voting thread ?? Should have been voted on !
  8. Oldbiscuit

    Top Fuel Eliminator

    I present in all its speed and glory ! The drag bike that’s so fast you need a full fire suit and helmet plus a five point racing harness to ride it to its top potential ! Only the bravest and most dare devilish riders are capable of riding this monster ! Other riders like me who are older and...
  9. Oldbiscuit

    My morning thought !

  10. Oldbiscuit

    Curb finds

    Driving through town this morning I spotted these two bikes and a frog on the curb with a free sign on it all. Not really needing any more bikes, but the Cranbrook has steel wheels with 12 gauge spokes that I use a lot on my motorized bike builds. The Wally World mountain bike has some parts I...
  11. Oldbiscuit

    What is this bike

    A friend sent me this pic. Was wanting to know more about it. Aluminum frame, Monark ?
  12. Oldbiscuit

    Top Fuel Eliminator

    Well I decided to go ahead and join this build off, if for no other reason then to get some of these rusty bikes out of my garage/shop before winter gets here. So I’m starting with this girls 24 inch wheeled Murray Eliminator and am going to add top bars and make a boys frame. I’ll need to do a...
  13. Oldbiscuit

    Built me a wheel truing stand

    I decided to finally build me a wheel truing fixture. I wanted one that could handle several different diameters, rim widths, axle lengths, as well as tweaking a mounted wheel. The whole thing is fully adjustable and so far, I’ve trued up 3 wheels and it worked great. I probable should take it...
  14. Oldbiscuit

    Murray Eliminator

    Just pulled this out of a brush pile behind my neighbors house. She had died and her family is trying to clean up the property. Not that I need another project, but the wrap around chain guard and decent pedals caught my eye. Someday….
  15. Oldbiscuit

    Yard art

    My wife seen something similar to this on “Pinterest” and asked me to build her one. Pretty much scrap bike parts with the exception of the top hat which was an old coffee can. It’ll stay up until spring, yard art !!
  16. Oldbiscuit

    A Christmas present

    My youngest son and daughter in law had this metal sign made for me, so I mounted it right on my entrance door to my shop!
  17. Oldbiscuit

    New wheel design

    My son found this video on the internet and texted it to me. I thought it was pretty neat, just had to pass it on. Maybe someone here will build one.
  18. Oldbiscuit

    Local car/bike show

    My hometown is having their annual celebration this weekend. On Sunday they have a bicycle show in conjunction with their car show. This is the third year for the bicycle show and it’s gotten bigger every year and the crowd loves it. I got everything loaded up today as tomorrow I have other...
  19. Oldbiscuit


    So after fighting a stiff neck for over a week and low blood pressure and a host of other problems I finally have started on my build. My goal is to make a gas powered, belt driven bike that will look like it came from the 40’s to early 50’s. The title for the build comes from how I feel, but...
  20. Oldbiscuit


    After seeing a post in the past about the “Donkey” bikes, and looking at my pile of scrap Huffy beach cruisers, I decided to build me one.The hardest part for me was finding a little kids bike with a 12” wheel and fork set. A coworker came to the rescue and donated his kids bike that was rattle...