
Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. rev106

    Coaster Brake Challenge 21

    Coaster Brake Challenge 21 by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Coaster Brake Challenge is a mtb off road rally series where you can ride a bike armed only with a coaster brake. No gears, multi-speed internal hubs or additional hand or other kinds of brakes allowed. This event has been going on for...
  2. S

    1950s Schwinn Dx

    Pretty cool 1951 Boys 26” Schwinn! Original paint and painted Schwinn rims. Bendix hub out back and Schwinn stamped hub up front. She rides as she sits, kinda turn key! Missing chainguard, head badge, different size tires (2.125/1.75), wrong Schwinn seat and needs grips. Could make a cool...
  3. Nickoo

    1980 Varsity Klunk

    Hello Rat Rodders. Figured I’d intro with my first klunkerish cruiser build. I’ve been restoring older bikes (mainly Japanese heyday road bikes and 90s Taiwanese MTBs) for years—as a hobby and as a little side income. This summer, however, I got bit by the even-older American bug, I guess you...
  4. rev106

    Double Trouble Fire Road Cruiser

    Double Trouble Fireroad Cruiser by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Double Trouble Fireroad Cruiser by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Double Trouble Fireroad Cruiser by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Double Trouble Fireroad Cruiser by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Double Trouble Fireroad Cruiser by Paul de...
  5. Critter1

    Schwinn Model B or C frame; prewar

    Looking for another prewar Schwinn B or C model, frame only, with the straight down tube. Same as my Critter build; which was a 1936 B-model.
  6. Loki182

    Winter Worksman Klunker Project

    Let me preface this build by saying up front when it comes to klunkers, and Worksman bikes, I have no idea what I'm doing. I have built a bunch of bikes and other weird stuff in the past but I have never built a proper rat rod bike before so this is going to be my first venture into building...
  7. K

    Sears Ladies Klunker

    WOW.. this bike is complete. Just as you see it. Has an elctronic "Command Center" with a horn switch and a light switch. Seat is metalflake silver and in very good condition. I even have the original owners manual, wrench and assembly guide. $300 plus shipping via BikeFlights to your zip...
  8. DeuceWheeler

    Trek Calypso Cruiser

    I just picked this up for $12 at an auction. The frame seems like a good candidate for a 26'' cruiser BMX.
  9. Schwinn Boys

    What's up, from the SF Bay Area

    My 1965 Schwinn Typhoon with S&M Pitchfork, Shredneck Stem, Grand Slam Bars, Chris King Headset, 80s Redline chainwheel, geno bmx wheelset hella fun in the streets, the hills, or the bmx track
  10. Rat Rod


    Stumbled across this new Klunker from Volume today...looks pretty cool. http://volumebikes.com/product/2018-sledgehammer-26/
  11. Robertk

    SOLD 1939 Autocycle Frame w/ Lincoln Badge

    Stand out from the crowd with this rare 26" 1939 Schwinn Autocyle frame. Brass Lincoln Badge. It's a bit dirty, but pictures below show the detail. Shipping to lower 48. Location: North Carolina Price: $275 + shipping
  12. Robertk

    SOLD Schwinn Script Cantilever Bolt On Front Brakes

    Here is a set of Schwinn Script Cantilever Bolt On Front Brakes for sale. These are a classic Klunker piece that add that genuine look and functionality to your off road build. These don't come up for sale too often, so now's your chance. These have been sitting in storage for a couple of years...
  13. HunterExploring

    Cascadian Klunker ⚡️1946 Schwinn DX

    Greetings Happy to be a part of this Anything Goes Build-Off. I've enjoyed checking out many of the great rat rods yall put together for years. Respect to all those before me and us. I Never had a vintage build that I was inclined to share, but I've been gearing up for it and recently had the...
  14. Critter1

    ~ CRITTER ~ 1936 Schwinn Klunker

    Been a while since I've had a build thread so I figured, since I picked up this awesome 36' B-model straight bar, straight down tube Schwinn, I'd go ahead and document it. Been wanting to do a Klunker style build for a while now. So here goes.... This frame was an eBay score and you always take...
  15. E


    BF Goodrich frame. Arraya rims. Bendix manual 2 speed. Schwinn script bolt on brakes (some new hardware). Bullmoose bars. Custom Soundgarden sprocket. Designed after their "Badmotorfinger" cover art. Only thing I can say is the rear stays could use to be separated a bit more. Rear wheel a...
  16. rev106

    Fire Road Cruise

    Sep 5th. Bike show at 9am, we ride at 10am. Bike show: enter at 8am one bike per person. People's vote at 9am. BMX cruiser ride where we cross some fire roads, yes your bike will get dirty! Stop once for water/toilet use/gather stragglers. Fun pace, but long. If you can't ride 25-35 miles then...
  17. rev106


    scsscweb by Paul de Valera, on Flickr Top ten finishers will get a belt buckle... SCSSC betl buckle for top 10 finishers... by Paul de Valera, on Flickr And have to face off for the final victor in a 10 lap vintage bmx moto! May the mightiest single speeder prevail!
  18. rev106

    Coaster Brake Challenge #16

    More info at www.atomiccycles.com
  19. Chad T

    Naked Panther

    Here's my entry for this year. It's going to be naked because my plan is to strip all the paint and polish the alum to a high luster. Bike is a 2000 aluminum Schwinn Panther. Tires showed up while I was at the local bike shop picking up some parts. They came from Chain Reaction along...
  20. LukeTheJoker


    Have fun voting everyone and and good luck to all builders! -Bikes are placed in the order they were finished. -Voting will run for 1 week. -You can vote for as many bikes as you like in one voting session, BUT, once you click "submit vote" you cannot go back and vote for more bikes in that...