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That is awesome if you add all three of my wife's together put together don't add up to 28 years that's really special.
that's funny. I'm only at 23 years divided by three wives. 12 with my lovely current one. She'll have to stab me in the back and bury me in the back yard to get rid of me. Third time was the charm. As my dad once said; "in this family, the first two are just practice". haha

Happy anniversary CA.
What Are You Up To Whats Going On GIF
whats new lights GIF by Clio Awards
I've been lucky since I haven't been on a corporate network in quite awhile now, and no business travel to boot.
I imagine it's been a giant mess.
Less than 9 days to go. Get this baby knocked out!!
I've been lucky since I haven't been on a corporate network in quite awhile now, and no business travel to boot.
I imagine it's been a giant mess.
Less than 9 days to go. Get this baby knocked out!!
Here are the cliff notes

Managed to switch my reservation to a flight that was still leaving out of Charleston so I drove up there to the airport two hours

Then I made it to Detroit before everything got shut down, and I was going to be stuck there for what looked like an entire day

Then I managed to get out of there and take a flight back to Atlanta and rented a car and drove it back to Charleston.

So in the end, I did a 29 Hour Loop to nowhere