1930's Colson Racer...

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Absolutley love this bike! The patina is perfect, I normally hate flipped bars, but not these. Wouldn't change a thing. One question what type of finish is on the wheels? Rust? Red paint?
Thanks again for the Props!
the wheels were painted with the spokes on, and a big 'ol house trim brush...I used some random Acrylic Craft Paint my wife had around the house...I wasn't too concerned with neatness because the next step was to "Steel Wool" some of it off, just enough to show some rusty metal on the edges and show the brass where the spokes connect to the rim...then I added a touch of artificial patina (a little extra rust) by sparaying on some vinegar, this added a little "green" to the brass...
same drill on the Number Plate...started w/ 2 rusty Paint Can Lids...painted w/ regular house paint then distressed w/ Steel Wool...spray on some vinegar and by morning it was pretty rusty...

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