I got this bike over the weekend. It came out of a shed on Long Island New York. Serial number is E04510 making it a 9/3 - 9/5 1952 bike. It is missing most of the original parts. It does have a locking fork AN 91 but no key. It has a 120GA spoke wheel on the back. New departure hub model D. A Huffy wheel on the front. Looks like it is going to parts since it is missing so much.
Haven't got to them yet. Lots of lawn and tree work this week. Sorry. First sunny and dry week here in upstate New York. Have to get the spring cleaning done.
The rear rim has the Schwinn knurling hash Mark's on it. That would be a great idea for it. It has a Huffy front rim that would have to be changed out.
The rear rim has the Schwinn knurling hash Mark's on it. That would be a great idea for it. It has a Huffy front rim that would have to be changed out.
My dad said as kids they used a 20" rim for the belt pulley on the wheel when they made their own motorized bikes. A 26" S-2 front wheel shouldn't be that hard to find.
I just got a old Hawthorne 2 bar that someone put one of the new engine kits on. I thought about finishing it as is because the wheels and rear fender are wrong. It has a horrible paint job that may take less work to remove than it did to do.
If I were close enough to pick up yours I would sell mine and get it but I have the same problem as Razin' has except that I am in Illinois so I actually have worse problems.
Found the front Heavy Duty wheel on The CABE for $30+ shipping. The Whizzer idea is becoming more of a possibility.
Wish I were closer and could do it. I can send a link if interested, I think you can buy there as a guest.
Haven't got to them yet. Lots of lawn and tree work this week. Sorry. First sunny and dry week here in upstate New York. Have to get the spring cleaning done.