B607 said:
I'm noticing the rack on your bike. The struts appear to be bolted to the axle instead of the little tab above the axle. Look at the comic book drawing and you'll see what I mean. If so, that's a prewar rack. $$$$$$ Not sure why it would be on your bike. Maybe old parts being used up. Schwinn didn't throw anything away. Gary
Actually, it does bolt to the tab above the axle. When I bought the bike I noticed the rack sitting in another pile of parts, I asked if it was for that bike and the seller assertively replied back, "No, that came off a different bike." I figured they knew more than I did so I went on and took my purchase home. When I got home I looked at the comic book and nearly had a heart attack! I raced back to the swap meet and scooped the rack out of someone's hands. It's the same colour, has the same dust, the same exact witness marks from being attached, I have no doubt it is original to the bike.
One more question... The front wheel has a Schwinn hub and a drop center wheel, the rear hub is a New Departure and the hoop looks similar to an S2 but without the knurling. Which is original? Was the drivetrain swapped out? It dates to December 52, I believe 1/2" pitch was an option at that time?