Hello Rat Rodders. Figured I’d intro with my first klunkerish cruiser build. I’ve been restoring older bikes (mainly Japanese heyday road bikes and 90s Taiwanese MTBs) for years—as a hobby and as a little side income. This summer, however, I got bit by the even-older American bug, I guess you could say, when I came across an XL Varsity in a junkyard. I was out looking for something to turn into a cheap, fun dirt-road commuter, and finding a bike of this vintage in my size seemed rare indeed.
I sanded off the surface rust, threw on a matte clear coat, did just a little cold setting, drilling, liquid wrenching and am now in love with the feel of this old gal. The combo of the original one-piece crank with a new Shimano coaster hub is such a smooth, quiet ride it’s hard to believe... I’m a convert... Cheers.
I sanded off the surface rust, threw on a matte clear coat, did just a little cold setting, drilling, liquid wrenching and am now in love with the feel of this old gal. The combo of the original one-piece crank with a new Shimano coaster hub is such a smooth, quiet ride it’s hard to believe... I’m a convert... Cheers.

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