Bought this bike 2 years ago at police auction.
Fun bike, but the deteriorated tires have a noisy tread on pavement and they had a lot of rolling resistance due to their 35 psi limit. Bike came with crappy exercise bike seat, broken front pivot fixed with duct tape! Fitted with better used seat and dumped rotten foam covering the bars. Hard plastic grips were missing padding and cracked plastic so I replaced them with used rubber grips.
Usually bikes from the auction fall in two categories, basket case rebuild or parts bikes, or just barely operational bikes, left in the elements, that need thorough service and parts replacement to use. This Giant built Schwinn is a solid rider that needs updating.
Fun bike, but the deteriorated tires have a noisy tread on pavement and they had a lot of rolling resistance due to their 35 psi limit. Bike came with crappy exercise bike seat, broken front pivot fixed with duct tape! Fitted with better used seat and dumped rotten foam covering the bars. Hard plastic grips were missing padding and cracked plastic so I replaced them with used rubber grips.
Usually bikes from the auction fall in two categories, basket case rebuild or parts bikes, or just barely operational bikes, left in the elements, that need thorough service and parts replacement to use. This Giant built Schwinn is a solid rider that needs updating.
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