1st Place! THANKS! - SteamRoller - Elgin Twin Bar Churnin Urn of Burnin Funk - CompareTwinWins VerBoten SteamRoller

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Friggin awesome bicycle! Fun to watch all the convolutions of the evolution. No shortage of picturesque spots in Savannah, eh? I like the shots in front of the rusty corrugated door and the Streamliner diner.
This BuildOff was great fun for me but again I gotta say, how much I learned from all of you. Basic nuts and bolts stuff all the way to outside the box ideas.
Twin Wins Again! My two RatRodBikes Build Off Winners. VerBoten BO10 2014 and SteamRoller BO15 2019. Twin wins from two Twin Bar brothers from different mothers (but same father).

But the main reason I pulled SteamRoller out was to compare it with VerBoten.
5 Years Later.
Two Twin Bar frames.
Two 1st Place Wins

Same Elgin Twin Bar frames, but to me the similarities end there. This was fun. I moved the bikes to lane for better pics after this.
