26” Montgomery Wards Muscle bike …. Done for now

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Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
Havre De Grace MD
Rating - 100%
6   0   0
I wasn’t looking to build another Adult sized Muscle Bike any time soon. I was scrolling through FBook and saw a kool 20” Rollfast and wanted to build something similar.

here’s the inspiration

my bars came today and were a pain to unwrap


here’s a quick mock up. Sadly I’m not feeling it….yet 😎
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That's awesome, super cool car! Not many of them around anymore. There were not many clean ones left 20 years ago. I test drove a dark blue one in grade 12, dad wouldn't let me buy it though, it needed too much work....
He bought this at Ford Carlisle last summer. A older guy had done a ton of work to it. I think he wanted my son to have this car and went above and beyond for him.
Im digging this. There we go, shorty fenders, big and little tires. You can try a 700cc fork to tilt the front end up a little with either a 26", 24", 20" wheel if you want the more extreme look.
Keep it clean and avoid extra bolt on gee-gaws. See how it looks without the chainguard.

3 speed hubs are really nice on those since the apes make it hard to stand and pedal for a hill.

Tip on the fender trimming. I took a stryfoam coffee cup and layed it over the fender, gave me a perfect curve for rounded cut. I'm sure any plastic cup would do.