53' 24" Breast Cancer Phantom (Eva passed away Dec 5th)

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Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Good news!!! After much research and phone calls I found a hospital to do my wifes radio surgery on her brain tumors.She will live!!!!!!!
Her surgery date is Thursday the 19th.Bottom line is-when one hospital says they cant,likely another has a better machine and will!
New parts are on the bike,decals etc.too.The 24x2.50 fat tire should be here tomorrow and I will post pics then.
Thank god she will be able to ride her bike.

I thought I should back up a week and tell the curious what has transpired.
Since last August we have been preparing for radio surgery at the hospital that has treated my wifes breast and brain cancer.They said they had to shrink the tumors prior to radio surgery.THey recently told us they could not do the surgery due to some light growth in the tumors and that the tumors will not respond to radiation(radio surgery).They offered no refferals,no options,no hope.
I found no information online to support there claims and made a few calls.Barnes/Simmons in St. Louis MO specifically stated radio surgery was designed for tumors that will not respond to regular radiation and have no need to shrink the tumors at all since there machine was accurate to 0.03mm.
We had been lied to since august with our doctor claiming they had the exact same machine-THEY DO NOT.It is different in accuracy,appearance and concept.It was all about the money they were making.

Thanks for tolerating my ranting!
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Man Greg...good thing you did your homework! :shock:

I will continue to lift your wife up in prayer.
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

After my wife's 10+ year illness (that most doctor's can't even speak to) we have learned that doctors think they know more than they actually do. It is rare to find a doctor that knows what is actually happening (my wife has an autoimmune condition and 24/7 full body pain). On one occasion, we had to travel 500+ miles to get needed surgery (not a single doctor in the entire state of Montana "felt qualified"). I encourage everyone to do your own research and when a doctor or group of doctors tell you something, get a second and third opinion. It could save your life or the life of your loved ones. Stand strong, you are in our prayers. Keep us posted..
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

My wife has had her Gamma Knife procedure!!!!!Shes recovering well at the moment.
Here are some poor quality indoor pics,all thats left is a different thinner front tire and headbadge and a few nick nacks.
I will get some nice outdoor pics soon.


Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Wow...how long after the procedure do they know if it was fully successful?
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Rat Rod said:
Wow...how long after the procedure do they know if it was fully successful?
Well thats an odd one to answer.The chance that it will stop these tumors is usually 85-94 % but her cancer has been aggressive they say.So in 3 months she will get scanned again. The largest concern is other tumors popping up somewhere else in the brain or body.
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Awesome job on the bike sir! The pink bars are classy.. Hope your wife has a 100% recovery and many years on this bike.
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Wish all the best for your wife and you!
Skipton said:
Bike looks GREAT!
Fight Like A Girl .... Says it all!
Really like the blend and balance of pink and black!
Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Mini fender painted and curing while resting on tire.Decided to throw away my usual patience and masked off the stripe before allowing enough cure time for the black and etched it a little with the tape,oh well I'll just have to rub it out now.lol

Re: Breast Cancer Awareness 24" 53' Phantom for my wife

Awesome that the procedure went well... good luck with continued success. Love the "fight like a girl" lettering.

Breast cancer awareness has the BEST marketing... "Save 2nd Base", "Save the TaTas", and "Yes they're fake... the real ones tried to kill me"