I've never been much into muscle bikes, with balloon tire bikes being my preference, but I came across this '69 Stingray Fastback fairly cheap on craigslist over the weekend and couldn't pass it up. The ad said that it was just a frame, but it turned out that the chain guard, crankset, & fork were part of the assembly. The seller also had the wheels, handlebars, stem and sissy bar as well. So I bought most of a bike, albeit in pieces. Here's the frame set hanging on my pegboard:
It's in decent shape, but more scratched up then I would've prefered. It was a 3-speed bike, but the previous owner sold the shifter. The rear wheel has the original Sturmey Archer hub, but he claimed it needed repair (although he didn't say what the problem was). So, I'll have to gather a few parts before I can put it together. Missing are the seat, calipers, all 3 cables, fenders, and the shifter.
It's in decent shape, but more scratched up then I would've prefered. It was a 3-speed bike, but the previous owner sold the shifter. The rear wheel has the original Sturmey Archer hub, but he claimed it needed repair (although he didn't say what the problem was). So, I'll have to gather a few parts before I can put it together. Missing are the seat, calipers, all 3 cables, fenders, and the shifter.