'76 Varsity Commuter-Ready to ride

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Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Derby, KS
Rating - 100%
1   0   0
After seeing all the commuters here, watching aka_locojoe's rides, and talking to my little brother who has been riding back and forth to work in ATX I decided I needed to follow suit. I didn't have anything worth building so I have been waiting. Last week I was able to make a big purchase from a bike shop that was seized by the state. They took all the new bikes and parts and left the used stuff for the landlord to deal with. In the deal I got this '76 Varsity. It was filthy, but in excellent shape overall for a 37 year old bike. It is the starting point I have been looking for.

Here it is before I unloaded it from the truck.

And with the other complete bikes I got.

Today I took it to the carwash and hosed all the dirt off and set to throwing other parts from the deal at it including a new saddle, and longer seat post, a set of Bullhorn bars, BMX racing brakes, and a NOS Odyssey brake lever.



I have a pair of Campy hubs on the way, but I haven't decided if I want to lace them to the original rims or find a set of deep-v rims. After I get some new tires and install some lights she will be ready to roll.
Re: '76 Varsity Commuter

I spent some time this morning before going to bed replacing all the cables. Since the wifey was at work I was able to bring the bike into the living room where it was warm.

As I was rummaging through the cables that I got in my bike shop deal I found three or four sets of heavy duty 2mm brake cables. With a small amount of modification I was able to make it work.

Since there was no change to the overall look of the bike I didn't bother taking any pics. Maybe tomorrow...
Re: '76 Varsity Commuter

Ought to make a great commuter. Hopefully you'll have your own bike freeway to work in the not to distant future.
Re: '76 Varsity Commuter

My red wall tires and bar wrap came in today.I got out in the garage and got everything installed on the bike. It is ready to ride as soon as the 14" of snow melts off. I have also polished the original aluminum brakes and reinstalled them. They are connected to the Odyssey brakes levers with a heavy 2mm brake cables. I also polished the front and rear wheels.

Here are some terrible pics when I got done. Some better pics will come tomorrow in the sunshine.


Re: '76 Varsity Commuter

Got some better pics this morning. It was a brisk 15° when I was taking them so I didn't take more.

I would like to find some decent panniers for a good price.



The aluminum brakes shined up nice.


"Valley Cyclery, Auburn Wash"

The bike and most of the parts came out of my bike shop deal. The only parts I had to buy new were tire, tubes and bar wrap and those were paid for with money from selling other shop parts. That means I got an awesome bike and built it for free. She may be shiny, but she's still a rat at heart.
Looks awesome Cameron! :D

I'd almost be tempted to ditch the front derailleur a go with a single front chainring to give it a cleaner look.

I really like the bags.
Rat Rod said:
Looks awesome Cameron! :D

I'd almost be tempted to ditch the front derailleur a go with a single front chainring to give it a cleaner look.

I really like the bags.

I have considered it. I want to put some miles on it before I decide on the drivetrain.
LukeTheJoker said:
Nice yard art behind it too!


I pulled that one out of an old farmer's scrap pit. It had been his bike when he was young. One of his brother's added the banana seat after the farmer was sent to Vietnam in the 60s. It had been in the scrap pit since the mid 70s. About 10 years ago a pasture fire got out of control and got pretty close to the bike. One grip is melted and the front tire was burned.