81 Predator

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Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Rating - 100%
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Been a little while since I have found anything locally. Winter has put the brakes on a lot of garage clean outs it seems. Not a lot on CL in Portland. So I started looking farther afield. My parents CL in Eastern NC. Found this one about an hour from my dads house. Like a champ he arranged to pick it up and it waits for my next visit! All original except for the Frame and bar pad. The padded BMX (embossed) seat is really cool. Can't wait to see it up close and by then I ought to have some good fork stickers for it. Thanks for looking

Whoa whoa whoa! Eastern NC is my stomping grounds fella. You already have a treasure trove of vintage BMX over on your side of the country so ease up on the east coast stuff bud! Seriously, cool find and a creative way of doing so. Funny thing, my family lives in Seattle so maybe I should use your scheme and look out their way! Ha ha!
plankowner said:
Whoa whoa whoa! Eastern NC is my stomping grounds fella. You already have a treasure trove of vintage BMX over on your side of the country so ease up on the east coast stuff bud! Seriously, cool find and a creative way of doing so. Funny thing, my family lives in Seattle so maybe I should use your scheme and look out their way! Ha ha!

Yes Yes have them look in Seattle. Lots of bikes up there. No bikes in Portland. Your people stay north of Olympia WA and we won't have no trouble, see! :D

Look out though ~ From the 6th til the16th of next month, from Goldsboro to Vanceboro, Morehead to Wilmington, Bouge Sound to the JW Dismal Swamp, I'm gonna be grabbin up all I can! I've got an old country store outside Little Washington that is just begging to be filled with ENC finds :!: :!:
heyslugger said:
plankowner said:
Whoa whoa whoa! Eastern NC is my stomping grounds fella. You already have a treasure trove of vintage BMX over on your side of the country so ease up on the east coast stuff bud! Seriously, cool find and a creative way of doing so. Funny thing, my family lives in Seattle so maybe I should use your scheme and look out their way! Ha ha!

Yes Yes have them look in Seattle. Lots of bikes up there. No bikes in Portland. Your people stay north of Olympia WA and we won't have no trouble, see! :D

Look out though ~ From the 6th til the16th of next month, from Goldsboro to Vanceboro, Morehead to Wilmington, Bouge Sound to the JW Dismal Swamp, I'm gonna be grabbin up all I can! I've got an old country store outside Little Washington that is just begging to be filled with ENC finds :!: :!:

Dang bro! We must have shared some stomping grounds for sure. I was born in New Bern, raised in Havelock, but always hung out in Morehead City. Parents moved back and forth between the latter two often so I spent time in school in both. I travel down that way ever so often with the kiddos to remind them and me of where I grew up. Usually bring back a bike or two when we make the trip. Recently grabbed me a Haro Zippo twin top tube out of Greenville.
My folks retired there about 10 years or so back. I moved there about nine years ago to help settle an estate in Durham. We made the trip back and forth on 70 3-4 times a week! I have spent a lot of time back there as my folks are originally from Pinetown. I love Eastern NC. Great food, people. I just can't STAND the humidity! :roll: Hmmm Greenville and Parkers BBQ...Can't wait! I saw the Haro Trick team do a demo at the Bike shop there in Old greenville. It was around 88...tons of Kids and SCOOTERS FOR DAYS! It was insanity. I wished I had taken my VHS huge ole recorder with me!
That is classic, is it a preditor or a SX1000???
I don't remember when the Preditor name came about, I do know I got a SX1000 identical to that in 1981........
The next year they came out with the Sting, truly metal art there, all brazed 4130 cro-mo.

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