A motorized '62 Schwinn Project.

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Are you building for looks or comfort? If looks I say tripple tree for a cool hot rod style but the first bumpy road will rattle your teeth. Comfort, springer, any springer will sofen your ride and your teeth and arms will thank you for it...Kelly
I figured as much. I'm thinking of making a kind of sort of compromise in the form of a triple tree style mountain bike suspension fork. I know it kind of ruin the look, but I figure if I take the black plastic things off and replace them with a spring or something, it could look cool. Is that even possible? This has a few advantages. I can use a sidepull, which is a pretty competent brake and isn't expensive, and I have the benefit of a good suspension. This is the fork in question. If I buy it I can paint the aluminum to match my frame. I just hope my tube is 1 1/8".

Well, I took the measurement and the above fork will infact work. What do you guys think I should do? Is there anyway I can keep it looking classy or should I look elsewhere? Suspension is pretty damn important at this point, and so is braking power. I think it's a decent compromise.
CCR said:
Sheik Yerbouti said:
Suspension is pretty dang important at this point, and so is braking power. I think it's a decent compromise.

you said it :wink:

I figured. Would removing those plastic black things mess with the suspension at all, or are they cosmetic/to keep dirt out of the suspension? I may find some springs that could slip over where they once were, something light gauge/just for looks.
I actually like that fork and think it would make a nice addition to your bike. That said, your '62 Schwinn should not have a 1 1/8" head tube, most older bikes have 1" head tubes on them. I'm not a mtn biker but I think the rubber things would be to keep dirt out of the suspention, I don't think you would have to worry too much about taking them off unless your going off road...Kelly
I had my friend measure the old fork, and he said the diameter is 1 and 1/8". Unless he can't use a ruler (which is very...very possible), then I think that new one will work. He measured the outside diameter, which I believe is the correct measurement for this particular purpose. He said the inside was 7/8" or something.
I might have a potential solution to your front forks.....

i have an 90's Schwinn Cruiser that is itchin' to be parted out. i need the wheels, handlebars, gooseneck, crank, sprocket and pedals....etc

but I would be willing to part with the front fork and the frame for a small fee. say $45

I'll throw in the fenders too, but i am keeping the hood ornament off the front.

The front fork is kind of unique. it is a springer, but it has brake bosses with side pull brakes. I was going to keep it for a future project, but it looks like it might be a pretty good fit for your project. Anyhow, let me know what you think. Here are a few pictures. (all the ugly decals have been removed)


Are you in Cincinnati? I have a friend interested in the frame and I'll take the fork. PM me and we can talk about it. Thanks!
So, I'm taking my color scheme from your bike posted above.

Chrome and black springer forks, gloss black frame, chrome fenders, whitewall tires, black engine mount, chrome and black engine. It'll look classic and timeless. Atleast I hope.
nogoodnic42 said:
My engine would look great with your color scheme. Your bike is comming along nicely...Kelly

Gorgeous engine. Is that a russian made roundhead or something entirely different? It's definitely a 2 stroke.

I am currently scheming with a friend to custom fabricate a tank to fit into the frame itself. I'll have some computer drawings up shortly.
Thanks for the compliment, its a Chineese made round head imported by Grubee. These are the best of the chineese engines, quieter, less vibration, and more powerful than the square heads I've tried. This one has been gon through and polished inside and out. Its currently sitting in my livingroom waiting for a project worthy of it, hopfully this summer I'll have somthing for it...Kelly
Beautiful engine!

Well, I managed to get ahold of a powdercoater, and he said he'd do it for something like 30 bucks, which isn't bad at all! But he said that the frame needs to be stripped and ready to shoot. He suggested, and recommended, sandblasting. Now, I remember people saying sandblasting can cause pits in the frame. I already bought aircraft stripper, though. You think I should just use that to prep the frame and then sand the frame to get a uniform surface? Or should I spend the 45 dollars people are quoting me to get it sandblasted?
Well, a few nights ago we went to Greg's place to pick up the fork frame. Well, we ended up walking out with 2 frames, 2 forks, various bearings, a seat, some ugly saddle bags (I think I can do something to make them look better), a crank, and some other stuff. Thanks man, you were great to use naive kids getting into the hobby.

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