So. Updates.
I switched gears a bit in my project and decided to go all the way with this one. I am developing my own drive train in order to avoid gearbox problems which currently plague this generation of 4 stroke kits. What they are doing is pretty much making these bolt on gearboxes for 4 stroke engines which step down the gear ratios so they can be mated with existing 2 stroke rear sprockets, and the result is a chattery/loud gearbox that gives most users grief. Instead, I decided to try something a bit different, I'm going to create a belt drive system. Basically, a centrifugal clutch is going to attach directly onto the output shaft of the engine, and rub a toothed (timing) belt directly to a 20 inch wheel sheave that attaches directly to the rear wheel (think Whizzer style aesthetics). This does 2 things, reduces noise and reduces extra time spent tweaking with chains, not to mention belts can last for a long time and won't rust. I also think it looks cool.
This thing is turning more and more into a boardtrack every day.