Hello Wratters!! Well it's Friday. Time to relax and take it easy..NOT!! I'm waiting for the Amazon truck for a piece that I ordered yesterday. This will hopefully give the bike a little wow factor. I'm going back and forth with it (The bike) on the direction of this build. We will have to compromise or surrender woefully. AND WOE IS NOT ME!! I really don't know why but i noticed days ago that this was a skiptooth. So there went my plans on putting on this 7 speed do-hickey. So I'm gonna break out the eazy off and scrub the wheel again. This rust is caked on like Lil Kim's makeup and it won't budge. AARRGHHH!!! Next week I'll pull some figures out for ya'll. Presently they are in 4 storage bins. I plan on selling them to purchase a car. OOOO!!! THIS GUY HAS A GARAGE, NO CAR AND NO LICENSE!!....BUT HE'S GOT...HIGH HOPES... Ok enough of that.... GTB!! PEACE