well I have been teaching my daughters how to ride bicycles the past few months my youngest is good to go but my oldest she has a learning disability and cannot grasp the idea on how to ride a bicycle ( forget what her disability is but it is learning related.) she also ahs some balance issues which is why I need to figure out something like training wheels
I was going to get her a trike but she doesn't want a trike and the training wheels do not hold her as she is a bigger girl and 16 and all the training wheels I have tried just either break or fall off.
any ideas on what to do I think she wants to learn but feels a little insecure without support.
I kind of feel bad me my wife and youngest daughter all have bikes but my oldest cannot ride with us due to this issue.
I was going to get her a trike but she doesn't want a trike and the training wheels do not hold her as she is a bigger girl and 16 and all the training wheels I have tried just either break or fall off.
any ideas on what to do I think she wants to learn but feels a little insecure without support.
I kind of feel bad me my wife and youngest daughter all have bikes but my oldest cannot ride with us due to this issue.