Yeah for sure! I like the ruff, art look to it! Either way it should be sold soon so no paint! lol
The bike looks so incredibly long when it sits by itself. Just for scale purposes, how tall are you? It looks so much more "to scale" with you sitting on it...HAHA!!!
Got her back into a roller after finishing the bracket for the pedals. Just need to finish the other spider and I think it's good. I may build a new set of bars for this and I'm not sure how I feel about the head light.
All for now!
The bike looks so incredibly long when it sits by itself. Just for scale purposes, how tall are you? It looks so much more "to scale" with you sitting on it...
Heeeeey Cburke, old member returning here.
Had to see what you're up to as I loooooved your first rat cruiser build.
Oh my dog, haven't you been busy!
Spider bike looks ace.
Is there a build log on the one with devil tail?
Love your work.