Fear prevents people from trying all kinds of fun things. I lack the common sense required to cause the fear. I remember flying over the bars trying to land a 3 or 4 foot drop onto a flight of stairs. As I attempted to run it out with a bike between my legs, I remember thinking about safety for a second. I have plenty of scars, very few regrets.
Matti, if you wanna call me a big chicken just say it plainly, son.
Now, I have been in at least 20 motorcycle accidents in 50+ years.
So what does that prove?
It’s possible it all only proves that brain damage is cumulative. (I ain’t claiming I don’t have any…)
Also, if you have no regrets in life you learned very little, or did everything right.
For instance, I regret not studying COBOL in 1995 because I could’ve made a lot of spare cash on the side at Y2K.
I regret doing that wheelie in 1969 that broke my friend’s tail light.
I regret hanging a target on the clothes pole, when I was 9, and shooting the neighbor’s house when I missed the bullseye.
I regret leaning my Raleigh bicycle against the garbage can when I was 7, as some garbage man came along and picked it up and crushed it.
I could go on for hours. I have lots of regrets because I’ve done lots of things wrong.