Badd Mojo

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Re: Badd Mojo-[update 7/22]

not much of a build thread this time around! :| the heat has had me working commando style.go down to the garage...buff,prime,paint and get back to the a/c! :lol: anyway i waited till last tues.,to do the last piece....the frame! 10 min. into stripping the frame,i find a cracked seat tube at the bottom bracket! :shock: already used my frame swap card,so i called my tatooist,who just happens to teach welding,and he ran a bead around the tube,in about 5 min.! primed,sanded,and clear coated the frame on sunday. tossed a few parts on it this afternoon,so heres a few teaser shots! :D
yeah,thats an old `33-36 ford tail light. just cut the connectors off,drilled thru the back,dremeled out a nice round hole,and slid a 5 led keychain flashlight,right into where the bulb used to be! just push the button and bingo!,one lo-tech tail light! :wink:
I love the profile shot of this bike. Great lines. I also enjoy the monochromatic color scheme. Cool stuff! 8)
I was gonna wait until you posted it in the "finished" section to let you know what I think. Can't wait!......I LOVE this bike!
Didn't get a chance to react in the finished section, so here goes:
Beautiful! The finish is awesome and the choice of parts is spot on. Belongs to the best of the best...

Well done!