Bare Metal Firestone Super Cruiser

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Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
About a year and a half ago my girlfriend and I saw this bike at a local VW event and she just HAD to have it. I knew NOTHING about vintage bikes at the time, so we ended up paying far to much for what I now know was a barely rolling pile of crap. It is of course Monark built, I'm guessing it was a Firestone because the vertical head badge holes line up perfectly with a Firestone badge I found (Monark ones are horizontal).

We did some work to it, she bought some cheapo white walls, got a free Monark rack from a good friend, and we took it to Tour de Fat last year.

Later, I found a much better seat, grips, and older pedals for it. Still hideous! Recently I rebuilt the ND rear hub and blew the rear wheel apart, re-spoked and trued it up. I found a correct front Monark wheel/hub and I'm in the process of doing the same to it now.

Since I (re)built my girls other Monark, I'm taking over this one. I usually have a vision for a project, but I'm having trouble on this one. I'd honestly almost rather sell it off, but no one would dare pay anywhere near what we've got into it at this point. I've thought about bare metaling it (been done), thought about painting it with old VW bus colors and giving it a 50's VW feel... but shiney bikes really don't do it for me, and neither does faked patina. It's missing a ton of original parts, and the deep fenders are seriously haggard... So I'm trying to come up with a relatively inexpensive way to give this old bike a new lease on life, and a bit of style.
Suggestions welcome!
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

eparsons said:
Love the way the fenders sit on this bike.

Yeah, the deep fenders are way cool. It's what sold us on the bike in the first place. I dig how the tire gets buried up in them. The front fender is bad but workable, but the bottom few inches of the rear has been whacked off. I could just bob it up higher, but I need the real estate for a tail light/reflector of some sort...
I'm leaning VW bus color theme. Thinking palm green/sand green or mango green/seagull grey. You VW guys know what I'm talking about ;)
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

Monarks have decent value , if you're not in love with it , you could probably find a good trade here on the forum . Otherwise , I like the bare metal , of course , I like it as is 8) Bare metal has been done before . yes , but so has everything
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

dogdart said:
Monarks have decent value , if you're not in love with it , you could probably find a good trade here on the forum . Otherwise , I like the bare metal , of course , I like it as is 8) Bare metal has been done before . yes , but so has everything

Not everything :wink:
I'm not even gonna ad up all I have in it at this point, I know I've definitely passed the point of no return so I might as well just build it!

I picked up some new spokes for the front wheel today, got home and saw that 8 of them are longer than the rest. Doh! Now I've got a half finished front wheel... Tomorrow.
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

Bit of an update... A new friend of mine had to have it! He is going with the bare metal look with a dash of VW flavour (he is also a amateur pinstriper) and it is cleaning up quite well. I'm helping him with the tear down and rebuild.

Question... What's the fattest tire I can stuff in those deep fenders? I've got 2.35 Fat Franks in my girlfriends Monark and there is PLENTY more room.
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

I beg to differ! This one was a hodgepodge of a few different bikes. The holes in the frame for the rear fender screws were trashed (tabs were brazed on) had to weld them up and re drill. Bearing cup in the headset was trashed, as was the axle on the steering knuckle, fenders looked like cottage cheese, and on and on and on! It's coming a long way though, we swapped out the crank for a non dogleg Monark crank (replacement dogleg crank was rubbing chain guard), and filled the bottom bracket tonight! It feels good to start hanging clean parts again. I'll get some pictures this weekend in the daylight.

Any suggestions for BIG tires??
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

GTV said:
Any suggestions for BIG tires??

Take a look at what Uncle Stretch posted in the "Show Me Your..." forum.
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

We all have gone to this point, i like the bike and glad you saved it . The love of the bike, and the challenge is what drives us. Very nice and to give it up to buddy even better Later Mad Brad
Re: Monark/Firestone POS! Suggestions Needed!

We're having a lot of fun building it up. I only met the guy a few months ago, my Schwinn caught his eye parked at the local coffee shop, we hit it off really well. This is his first foray into vintage bikes.
We got a little more done this afternoon. Fork mounted. The handlebars felt reeeaally oversize before, so we put the tubing cutter to use and whacked 2" off each end. It looks and so far feels much, much better. When I bought the Firestone badge about a year ago, it was only a guess if it was the correct one for the bike. I wasn't even 100% sure it was a Firestone badged Monark. When the paint was stripped off, you could see a ghost like outline of the badge on the metal, which matches the Firestone badge perfectly. Score one for me! We're hoping to have this ready for a ride this Thursday evening. Almost there!


Sorry about the low light pictures, I'll have some better ones this weekend!
So purdy. Love bare metal rocks I'm glad to see more doing it. I think doing one that way really connects you to the build. Nice work
It's no where near done yet, but it's rideable. The frame originally has a bit of brazing here and there, breaking up what would normally be just be plain steel. We really liked that, so we added a gold chain and brass hardware to complement it. Still going to add fenders and a rack, some more brass hardware and some pinstriping. And fatter tires...


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