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im with wimpy on the fenders... when it rains you get wet!
looks great and yeah it does have a kamilos feel to it(i think its all the points) but his stuff normally has lots of radius' as well so its not like its copied or the same....just has that(very slight) vibe..... i know anything!
looks great and looking forward to seeing more :mrgreen:
Thanks guys!!
I have some more progress for you guys. I still need to finish the welds a little, but you get the idea


The bars are about 105cm wide :)
Ok,I like the basic shape of the bars,but what about your knee ? Do knee and bar-end meet,while making a turn or a sharp curve? I hope not,
'cause it's pretty irritating,having to think about your knee-position every time you hit a corner. But overall:still looking cool! 8)
Never riden a pedal scraper? Every turn you need to think about when to stop pedalling so your pedal won't hit? it's annoying at first, but now, i even do it on my fixie :)
But anyway, no, the bars are wide enough, and sharp turns are a no-no anyway :) I've made the toptube extension in such a way that the max steering angle is about 30°. In general, you will never need to steer that far while riding, only when maneuvering.

But they might get shortened still. But i'll get to that after the first testride. Working on a 14mm offset front sprocket on my lunchbreak today. Hope it'll be stiff enough, but we'll see.
I'll post a pic after i get some welding done.

Then i can put some stuff together and testride it.
Never riden a pedal scraper?

Nope! I rarely touch ground with my tubemonster,although it's not thát high. Could have something to do with its overall length. But I overlooked that particular aspect of your bike. So let's wait for the future pics. :mrgreen:
I usually make bikes that are also very confortable to ride. But this. I just wanted an overall low, bad look. If I don't like it, i'll just make another set of bars :)

Here's my jig for welding up my offset chainring.


And here it is welded from one side.

Now to take the center out and weld the other side
Thanks man!
I got the center of the outside sprocket out, and believe it or not, it is still straight!

Its a tight fit for the chain, but it will fit

And even without the spacer(s) on the one piece, we (just) have a chainline!
Make your own luck! My shed is 2x3 meters. Thats all the space I have to hold my bikes and tools, but it's also my machineshop, paintshop and assembly place...
Steel for one bike is only about 40 euro's.
Mine is roughly as big as yours,but there's lots of stuff in it,which takes up at least half the space. And home-office wouldn't approve,me using rattlecans and other greasy stuff. :mrgreen: Maybe some day,when the bald guy from the lottery comes to visit me....... Goeoeoeoedenavond! :D
Heheheh W, if I start working, I need to take out 4 bikes, 2 of which have to stand up straight because of space issues. if I dont take the bikes out, I can't get in the shed....
But you're right, I am lucky to have a girl that allows it all :)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thát is never,ever gonna be the view,you're getting from my doghouse. Out of the question. I like it,though.
Ok,one little story off-topic. When I lived in Gorcum,I was up to my neck into motorcycles (Harley's and stuff) and I rented a 19th-century warehouse in downtown Gorcum,together with 3 friends. That was my workshop and I've built and rebuilt quite a few bikes there. Just for fun and it was an ideal storage for our bikes. But now that's history and what remains,are good memories.
Moral: build as much as you can,as long as you can. 8)
That's right. And as you can see, little space can be enough to be able to build stuff.
By the way, i have another 4 bikes in the yard waiting for rebuilds :mrgreen: