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Very mean machine,T. I read,you did a testride........well? And...? TELL ME! :mrgreen: No serious,riding position isn't too bent over? It seems like the bars could be a little higher or am I completely wrong here? So far,it's cool. 8)
Aw, thanks guys! I appreciate it!

W, the riding position is a little forward. Probably not comfortable for over 20km rides... But the look is more important on this one. Don't know why though.

O, and i'm still looking for a nice steel seatpan, this seat has to go...
Think I saw someone use the business end of a shovel on here somewhere. That would look cool on this too.
The shifter is done and working. Nice and simple.

And i killed me a perfectly good moped saddle to get me a nice raw seatpan. I'll keep it like this for now. Might whack some more shape into it later

Got some shape in the saddle, pretty comfy now!


Some pedals that aren't plastic. There a little shiny though

THe bars double as a kickstand...

And some total shots

Overall looks: 10 points! I think a kind of yellow and matt-black would look allright. And the seat,any upholstery or just bare metal? Anhow,it's a winner (again). 8) 8) 8)
Thanks Wimpy,

I quite like it the way it is now, so i'm just keeping it raw for now. And, no, the seat will not get upholstered. Just the steel pan.
Ok,raw is fine too,T. Gonna let it rust or are you planning to spray some clear finnish onto it?
Another thing,I wondered: are you being considered the village-loony with your strange looking bikes? :mrgreen:
Or do you get lots of good critics from the ordinary people? Just wondering.
Probably letting it rust.

Heheheh, some look at me like i'm crazy, but i do also get a lot of people that are really enthousiastic. And (everyone here knows what i'm talking about) everybody asks me "isn't that really uncomfortable to ride?"
I usually say yes, but on this bike....