Bendix Skiptooth

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Sep 27, 2007
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Tempe AZ
Rating - 0%
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Being a novice at this bike building thing I have many questions on many different parts. Today while going through my pile I found a 26" rim w/ Bendix skiptooth hub. It was froze up solid but with a bit of wd40 I was able to get it apart. Cleaned it, replaced bearings that had fallen out and lubed really good, to my suprise I got it all put together again and it works great ,brakes too. :D The question I have is how late were skiptooth sprockets used? Into the 50s? The only identifing marks I see are Bendix , the number 70, and a patent pending no. There are several bands across the hub w/ a slightly bigger one in the middle. Any way to identify this any better, year wise? Thanx in advance Harley 8)
pretty sure(but not 100%positive) that they were used in the 50's. my grandmother had and old hornet that was from the 50's (or late 40's)with a skip link.
might wanna post some pics of the hub thatll help id it easier
bendix 70 hubs are late model so it sounds like someone put a skip cog on there. which is rare because most skip cogs are thread on where as the late hubs including most new hubs have three notches and a snap ring. unless they did like i did on the lucky 7 and just grinded down every other tooth on the gear. either way i agree a pic would help. and the latest bike i have seen with a skip was a 52 wasp that i date coded and as far as i could tell was original. conversly i have seen strange bikes like my friend's restored roamer that is prewar and is non skip.