i played trumpet in elementary school, i started playin bass when i was 9/10, cut up a buncha nerves in my hand, started playin guitar cause it was easier to strum than thump (i still cant hold a pick for more than 10 seconds though so i dont use one), started playin banjo, then mandolin, always had a piano around so i can play chords and keep rythem but no fancy classical stuff. i also play a mean kazoo and slide whistle from time to time!!!!. P.S. i envy drum players, i will honestly never be able to play play the drums.
top 3 concerts -
1) RAMSTEIN / family values tour a long time ago - whatta show !!!! rocket launchers, lasers, explosions, rocket boots, flame throwing guiters, flips, jumps etc....
2) Pixies / reunion tour thing at Chicago, i cant think of a bad song they play
3) Radiohead / KID A @ ST Louis (i think it was POINTFEST?), played alot of different album stuff though (everytime ive seen Nickel Creek live, theyve always done a killer Radiohead bluegrassy style cover)