Bicycle Show and Swap Meet!! Howes Cave NY

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Just out of curiosity Steve, how many vendors would you expect for this sort if event? I'm just trying to picture how big (or small) these events tend to be...
I am really not to sure what to expect? I know when I go to Bike Mikes in Dudley Mass I would say he has about 20 to 25 vendors and 12 or so show bikes. Copake usally sees I would say 35 to 40 vendors depending on the weather? So I just hope its a nice day. Also all 119 people I have talked to so far show up LOL
A club would be really cool LOL. I just had flyers made today. GOing to be passing them out at Dudley sunday. As dad and I are coming to shop this time!!!
It's not local but close enough that I should be able to make this one. It sounds like a blast.
Still getting great feedback. I am thinking this is going to be a big event for the bicycle world!!!
I organized a bike race/rodeo many years ago, the grand finale was a side by side out and back drag race with a twist. At the last minute I brought out a pair of kids bikes with 12" wheels for the race. It was a lot of silly fun for everyone. Even though we had a long race prior, I had saved the best prizes for the drags.

Hope to see you at the event, we're trying to figure out a mini family vacation for a long weekend in that area, might try to coax some friends from Syracuse down as well.
I am putting this date down with a sharpie!. Glad to see an event that is not a major drive from Long Island NY. I wanted to go to Copake this year but the swap meet is on a Friday. There has been a club starting up on Long Island called Long Island Bananas, you can see them on facebook. I have never been to a swap meet since starting the hobby, just a few lucky Craigslist finds so I will be excited to attend. thanks
Hey that sounds great bebopblu. I like the page on facebook. Bring the whole Crew!!!!
I pased out a ton of flyers at Copake. Talked to alot of super cool people. Keep spreading the word!!!! I think this can be as big as copake was today!!!