I took this photo of Ann Karras in blue (rip) wife of Ragbrai co-founder John Karras and friend Jeff in the red jersey. Crossing the Sailorville Reservoir on Ragbrai in 2006.
Wizzletooth beat me to it, but I was planning to post a bike under bridge shot. Now I just look like a copycat. Sad. But here's my bike under a bridge.
Apollo 3 speed bike made in Birmingham England on the Lake Pepin 3 Speed Tour in May. Location is near Maiden Rock, Wisconsin on County road AA near 272nd st over Pine Creek.
Alright, I'll play
Two Previously owned.
My '39 Columbia and my '65 Spaceliner Deluxe
The Columbia sits atop a creek bridge near downtown Providence that leads to the Park Overpass Bridge that allows people to cross from the path into the park I took the photo near.
I miss both of these, but both ended up in GREAT homes with Great people. I couldnt ask for more after being so fortunate to work on them and fine tune them myself from the dead they were and another pair of Zombies they became!