I have to say that this has been the trickiest tank fit that I have done on any bike to date. The only good mark I could get was the head tube. So I started there.
The seat tube was next but because of the design of the cast pinch bolt hole, I had to make my best guess and start cutting. For those of you that have mounted a TRM tank, you know that this is not the prefered method. To hedge my bets I under cut it and then kept removing small amounts of material with a Dremel tool.
Once the head tube and seat tube were roughed in, I was able to make cut marks for the three main tubes. To help keep my holes following the tube directions I scetched some crude guide lines with a silver Sharpie.
After drilling (slightly under size) holes with the tank halves bolted together, I then focused all of my attention on getting just one side fitting properly. You just can't get in a rush so I spent a lot of time wittling away until it fit.
The next step was to transfer the cut out shapes to the other half. To do this I bolted the tank back together and used masking tape and an exacto knife to make mirror image guides. The pictures tell the story.
The left half is the fitted part:
First cover the holes with masking tape:
Next fold the tape along center line and then cut out the hole:
Last, fold the tape back over exposing the hole in the tape on both sides:
The tank is fitting for the most part (sorry no picture), but there's still some fine tuning to do tomorrow before I can call it done. I also have to relocate the front mounting bolt because it lined up on the frame.