Started off with a buddy hooking me up with (sadly) a non-drive side Reedy Pedal! The hunt begins
But then another buddy, a scapper, digger came up with a CB Motomag for me. Then I heard back from a local cat and member (I'll let him chime in if he wants) on this old blue bike! Lucky for me he decided he was ready to let it go to a new home. This is a 1980 BMX Products made MotoTrac. It looks like it was decal'd as Mongoose from the factory or at least way back. Moto Tracs were made for a shop in Atlanta. Anyone have any additional info please feel free to chime in. The guy I bought it from picked it up in NJ for a whole $10 bucks
- Everything looks great! It looks like the Bars and maybe seat post got the rattle can treatment at some point. The MONGOOSE marked Snakebeliies are getting pretty hairy on the sides but the Blue Candy is OUTSTANDING!! The Gold stem is so pretty it hurts...blah blah okay pics!
The loneliest Bob Reedy. *ANYONE HAVE A MATCH FOR ME?
Joe and his scrap yard delivery! :lol: I wished he'd have left the mongoose forks in the crapper but the Team Schwinn Cranks and Schwinn Clamp were cool to see!
NICE welds
Kind of a short looking matchbox
And the Moto Trac:
My dog is very unimpressed with my photoshoot.
The loneliest Bob Reedy. *ANYONE HAVE A MATCH FOR ME?

Joe and his scrap yard delivery! :lol: I wished he'd have left the mongoose forks in the crapper but the Team Schwinn Cranks and Schwinn Clamp were cool to see!

NICE welds

Kind of a short looking matchbox

And the Moto Trac:

My dog is very unimpressed with my photoshoot.