Thanks. My dream is to build a motorized board track style bike one day. I think my next project is going to be a 26" Schwinn Aerosport (I love Schwinns). I was disappointed that they were 24" but I think I can mod a 26" frame like the Aero fairly easy. I do auto body repair and paint work for a living, but I've never mod'ed much on bikes since the bikes I usually work with are restorations. I can't wait to cut and weld on a cruiser frame.
I know this bike is nothing compared to most of the bikes here. It is my first 26" cruiser (I am into old school BMX stuff) and I just wanted to show what could be done on a very cheap budget and a short time table. I wanted to keep it very rideable but have a little bit of a flair to it.
Here's where I'm gonna end up on this bike:
$20.00 yard sale Murray Santa Cruz cruiser (luckily it was like new...must have been in a garage)
nothing for paint and supplies...I already had it all
$5.00 grips off the Walmart clearance shelf
$12.87 for the seat off of ebay (honey brown to match the grips I had)
$30.00 for Grand Tycoon tires off of ebay (not in yet)
$4.00 Marwi pedals off of ebay
$2.00 valve caps off of ebay
Nothing in chopping the bars...I have a recip. saw
Nothing in cleaning everthing and repacking the brgs
That's it...around $100.00 (inc. shipping on the ebay stuff) and done all but tires in less than a week. Fun factor...priceless!