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Here is an idea for a customer springer.
Someone needs to get a pair of those double leaf springs that they use for horse buggy seats and make a springer fork out of them.

kingfish254 said:
Here is an idea for a customer springer.
Someone needs to get a pair of those double leaf springs that they use for horse buggy seats and make a springer fork out of them.


I can even picture attaching a pair of these homemade longtail style to the rear of a bike as well.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw some small leaf springs at Northern tool the other day.
I haven't had any luck finding "small" leaf springs, but I have something in my shop just waiting to be made into a leaf springer. I found a Bear brand compound bow by someone's trash in a pile. One of the strings was broke. I took it home just because well... I'm a pack rat. Anyway, one night I took it apart, the top and bottom of the bow are fiberglass leaf springs. Easy to work with, strong, and lighter than steel. I don't think they are cooler than a steel spring, but they are rat. Also, the handle of the bow with the built in grip could be cut down to make a large shifter handle.
i got a wierd maybe ethical question about voting in the build off.
we each get 3 votes. the 1st year i voted for my own bike and 2 other really cool bikes.
than i skipped a year and stil voted on 3 bikes that i thought were really cool.
last year i joined in but purposely didnt vote for my own bike.

so, the question is if ya got 3 choices is it assumed that you will burn 1 of them on yer own bike?
beatcad said:
i got a wierd maybe ethical question about voting in the build off.
we each get 3 votes. the 1st year i voted for my own bike and 2 other really cool bikes.
than i skipped a year and stil voted on 3 bikes that i thought were really cool.
last year i joined in but purposely didnt vote for my own bike.

so, the question is if ya got 3 choices is it assumed that you will burn 1 of them on yer own bike?

I don't think ethics really come into play with this. Maybe this is why there are 3 votes instead of one, imagine having 1 vote each and ending up with a 120 way tie. I remember one year in elementary school we were voting for class officers. The nominations were put on the board and we were asked to put our heads down and vote, but then the teacher got real serious for us little kids, and she said "It's time to grow up, don't give your opponent a sympathy vote, if you think you're the person for the job, vote for yourself." in sort of a disgusted tone. I always think about the media circus as a president walks into a voting booth, you think he's voting for the other guy? haha No. Some people in the "build-off discussion" thread last year implied that you shouldn't vote for yourself, but I'll admit, I voted for me, I wanted me to win, I owned the bike (still do) and loved it and I wasn't going to say "Even though I think mine is best, I won't vote for it." Unethical? Nope. What will I do this year? Let me finish my bike first. If I love it, I think I'll have to find 2 people to vote for that I like almost as much as mine (and those 2 votes double count against the 1 I gave my bike). If I end up with something I know I won't keep or think that I just threw together shabbily... 3 votes. I think it's personal preference, what's unethical is if people have friends sign up for accounts and get them to vote, but I think Steve said last year that he didn't see any abnormal rise in membership when voting started last year (that's why I got all my friends to join a month ago. :wink: ) haha

If you like it, you vote for it... what if it's yours... vote for it. That's how I feel.
I didn't vote for myself last year, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for me this year. To me, it just depends on where you think your build falls in with the competition.
kingfish254 said:
I didn't vote for myself last year, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for me this year. To me, it just depends on where you think your build falls in with the competition.

That's a good way to look at it.
Hey anyone here from Nor-Cal planning on having their BO-7 bike (done or in progress) at Sacramento Cycle Fest June 10th? I've decided to make the effort to get my build 99.9% done by then..!! Good luck to me!
ok so went throught the whole thread tryin to answer my question my self and no luck so here goes, If i weld on my brackets to the fork dropouts and the rear dropouts to lower my bike is that considered changing the frame enough for a disqualification?
Critter1 said:
Hey anyone here from Nor-Cal planning on having their BO-7 bike (done or in progress) at Sacramento Cycle Fest June 10th? I've decided to make the effort to get my build 99.9% done by then..!! Good luck to me!

That's my plan, which means that I'll be doing a lot of painting this week to catch up.
"ok so went throught the whole thread tryin to answer my question my self and no luck so here goes, If i weld on my brackets to the fork dropouts and the rear dropouts to lower my bike is that considered changing the frame enough for a disqualification?"

I say no. Go for it. I'm planning on bolting on some rear dropouts too. The rules say that you can attach any parts that you wish even if they are welded on as long as the original outline of the frame remains.
Ok, maybe this is posted somewhere else, but I'm not finding it. How does the Build-Off (or in my case, Assemble-Off) work? How do the bikes get voted on? Does any registered RRB member get to vote, or only RRBBO #7 participants? When does voting commence, and for how long? How are hanging chads reconciled?


furyus said:
Ok, maybe this is posted somewhere else, but I'm not finding it. How does the Build-Off (or in my case, Assemble-Off) work? How do the bikes get voted on? Does any registered RRB member get to vote, or only RRBBO #7 participants? When does voting commence, and for how long? How are hanging chads reconciled?


Your first question says how does the build off work, see the rules for that one. After the build-off is over the build forum gets locked, the finished bike forum will have already been opened for a while before that. Once the final day comes the finished bike section is locked. Then all finished bikes will be compiled and a poll will be opened. Every member of is able to get their 3 votes, whether they know what a build-off is or not. :lol: Not sure how long the voting a lasts, a few days maybe. You can follow the poll results once you have voted to see how it is all shaping up.

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