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Critter1 said:
I've been wondering exactly who, what & why the bunny thing started.. I jumped on board all willie-nillie without a clue.. Care to recolect?

Look at my first page of the build-off last year: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=39623#p387852

Bunny showed up, I made a joke about voting for me because of the bunny. Peatbog picked up on it before the build-off this year and then the bunnies started flowing.
It's really tough when it comes down to selecting just 3 bikes to vote on. Last year I narowed it down and down, and I followed most of the threads, so I had a good idea of what they went through. But once I had it down to 10 or less, I looked through the those build threads again. There were a few entries last year that you hardly saw any of the sweat equity documented in the thread. It was just Before, Paint, After, Vote for me. No matter how any of those were, I didn't even consider them. To me, the Build Off experience is just as much about the process as it is about the final product. I also consider the rules as I vote. There are some boundaries that get pushed. It's just another factor that I consider when I try to narrow my choices down to 3 tiny votes.

That's my process. I think everyone else's process should be to repeat this mantra as you go to bed each night until all of the votes have been cast. :p :mrgreen:

Flex{\\\}Liner 7

Flex{\\\}Liner 7

Flex{\\\}Liner 7

Flex{\\\}Liner 7

Flex{\\\}Liner 7

In case anyone needs a little boost to get their build done on time this Wabbit may show the way, this bunny is moving down the path!

socal_jack said:
The bunny bumps are getting old, just let sleeping dogs lie.

Sorry SoCal. I know that most of the back page saves are going to people that won't finish, but already a few of them have jumped started some builds, so I my goal was accomplished.

I want as many people as possible to finish this Build Off!!!
I spent a couple of hours working on my bike today, so I'm happy... still have to work on some details, and I don't know if I'll have the time to really do it as nice as I'd like.

In the end, however, it's a bike I'm going to ride, so it doesn't matter, as long as it's cool, and I like it! Let's face it, a klunker with semi-nice wheels isn't going to be as "rat-rod" as a patina'd old Hawthorne with whitewalls or something. I'm basically doing it up rat style just for the sake of the build-off, and it's going to get ridden... a lot.

(added bonus if I win! LOL)
A rough calculation shows approximately a 1-2% success rate. Same every year, people lose interest or life gets in the way etc bumps don't really matter. I've only finished half the BOs I've started. On the other hand you end up dumping active builds to page 2 and beyond, which makes it annoying when you go to look for them.

kingfish254 said:
socal_jack said:
The bunny bumps are getting old, just let sleeping dogs lie.

Sorry SoCal. I know that most of the back page saves are going to people that won't finish, but already a few of them have jumped started some builds, so I my goal was accomplished.

I want as many people as possible to finish this Build Off!!!
socal_jack said:
A rough calculation shows approximately a 1-2% success rate. Same every year, people lose interest or life gets in the way etc bumps don't really matter. I've only finished half the BOs I've started. On the other hand you end up dumping active builds to page 2 and beyond, which makes it annoying when you go to look for them.

kingfish254 said:
socal_jack said:
The bunny bumps are getting old, just let sleeping dogs lie.

Sorry SoCal. I know that most of the back page saves are going to people that won't finish, but already a few of them have jumped started some builds, so I my goal was accomplished.

I want as many people as possible to finish this Build Off!!!

I don't know if bumps work or not, but it does help to know that people are watching and interested in your build. I like to think that if I slid down to the third page someone, somewhere, would wonder what happened.

That being said, I still always look at the last pages. Some of my favorite builds are already done and I don't want to forget them.

I guess I'm going to have to start a list to help me with voting, but it's hard for me to make a plan for voting when I didn't even make a plan for my build!

Good luck to all, Rg
There is another benefit to the back page bumping. It makes the Page 1 lifespan shorter which encourages ACTIVE builds to post more, which gives us more cool stuff to see, which makes the whole Build Off experience MUCH more fun!!!
I love this exhaust and was thinking that someone should take an old aluminum baseball bat and cut it down to make a honemade one.



Something else to keep your eye out for at yard sales.

It appears that from the frequency of the bumps you're getting into a feedback loop of sorts having to bump threads that you've pushed to the last page. This doesn't make me update any faster, I document when I have something, it just makes it a PITA when I go to find my thread.

kingfish254 said:
There is another benefit to the back page bumping. It makes the Page 1 lifespan shorter which encourages ACTIVE builds to post more, which gives us more cool stuff to see, which makes the whole Build Off experience MUCH more fun!!!
I think the back page bumps are great. Its never a bad thing to encourage those that might have dropped off to join back in the fun. Its all builds that never leave the front page but are constantly brought back to the top with a picture of a rabbit that gets kinda silly. I access the forum mostly from my phone and I've given up looking at the RRBBO7 forum anymore because of the crazy lack of actual posts related to build progress. As long as it takes for pictures to load... its kinda a kick to the nads to find all 5 or 6 on that page are of bunnies rather than bikes. I'll just look at Bike Talk or Fresh Finds and be on my way usually...
kingfish254 said:
I love this exhaust and was thinking that someone should take an old aluminum baseball bat and cut it down to make a honemade one.


Something else to keep your eye out for at yard sales.


Rusty513 just used a bat exhaust on his Hot Rod Huffy in the build forum.
At least 8 wooden tanks this year. It's gonna be a cool sub build off!!!

With all the wooden tanks this year, I think there is a homicidal lumberjack bunny on the loose!


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