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raggedjim said:
kingfish254 said:
FunkyStickman said:
I am a horrible person... haven't touched my BO bike in weeks... I'm so bummed! :oops:

Good news is, it's pretty much there, I just need to finish painting it and throw it together.

2 weeks left???? I'm gonna need some encouragement! :shock:

Somebody, tell me how good of a builder I am, and how I can totally make the deadline! Please!!! Gonna be a tough 2 weeks...

I would post a Stewart Smalley photo, but we are supposed to stay away from politics and I want to keep my lunch down.

+1 on what RG said.

Plus you have more than 2 weeks. The deadline is August 6th!!!! You got 23-24 days left.

I'm not a big Franken fan...

I don't think many are.
I found my perfect beer for this build off. Good stuff too.
Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale


Looking through the builds imbibing my new favorite build fuel, I thought to myself that these clever titles should be rewarded somehow. Could/should we vote on the ingenuity of the monikers themselves. I have a dozen such that I'm keen on. Let's all vote for the 3 we envy.
kingfish254 said:
Check out the cool Dodge Dart I saw when I took my Cannibal to get some enamel paint for my chainguard.

Must be nice to live in an area where you don't have to lock up your bike on the street? I had a 63 red Dodge Dart a year after high school. It had a slant 6 engine but was still a screamer, got three tickets with it as I recall. It also had this cool Vibrasonic radio amp.
I looked through all the photos of last years builds. I also checked how the voting went and then went back and looked at the top ten vote getters. I'm still thinking about how I would have cast my three votes and remain confused, as I overthink things. I've got to transfer my efforts towards doing some house repairs, so I posted Hammered Higgins in the Finished Topic for what its worth. There seem to be a bunch of great builds going on this year and again the casting of votes will be tough.
MazdaFlyer said:
kingfish254 said:
Check out the cool Dodge Dart I saw when I took my Cannibal to get some enamel paint for my chainguard.

Must be nice to live in an area where you don't have to lock up your bike on the street? I had a 63 red Dodge Dart a year after high school. It had a slant 6 engine but was still a screamer, got three tickets with it as I recall. It also had this cool Vibrasonic radio amp.

Oh, I definitely had the Cannibal locked up. I took this photo as I was about to ride off.
Saw a guy pull out of a auto parts parking lot one time in a Dart that was set up to race and he made the mistake of punching it while turning. :shock:

Let's just say he did a full 360 in the middle of the road and unfortunately for him there happened to be a cop driving by right when he did it. :lol:
Glad to see a lot of the back page guys waking up and getting jumpstarted.

From here on out, no more hungry Freaky Bunnies or back page bumps.

By now the back page guys should know that we want to see more on their builds.

They just have to figure out if they have the drive or the time to finish.

It would be awesome to have 150 finished bikes to vote on, but I doubt that is gonna happen. Hopefully we will at least have 100.

Build on brothas, Build on!!!!

I haven't even had time to look at everybody's builds this year!!! I'm telling you, my life has been nuts for the last 2 months. But, I still think I can finish the bike in time. Just going to have to burn some midnight oil!

Got a cool idea for a tank plate, still might have time to make a jockey shifter out of an old 7-speed trigger... just need.... more time!
Every bike I see now with apes I mumble under my breath... "You call those apes?" :mrgreen: Having fun riding my bike before the end of the build-off, unlike last year. Of course you could say that I'm not riding the bike that I started out to build... :oops:

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