Can't Wait! AH! Now With Paint!

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Re: Can't Wait!

Thanks Dr T , I'm just acting silly now. I could finish the build in a couple days
but its fun to experiment and see what I can some up with. The bars are a definite
change from the way I normally build stuff. Its fun though.
Re: Can't Wait!

Uncle Stretch said:
How about with a head light

The bike looks great, but the handlebars just look to much like an old time push mower going straight across like that.

Maybe if they were done like this it would look better.
Re: Can't Wait!

They are so outlandish that I doubt any way I did them they would look right. I will probably
leave them alone till I paint it and then If I change they will be in the metal pile and regular
stem and bars will be on there. Its a pretty cool looking frame without all the additions. But its fun.
The cool part is they are bolt on. It can be reversed in a two minutes and they are gone. :wink:
Re: Can't Wait!

Thanks luke. After looking at them all day , I'm not sure if I like them anymore. Maybe they will
grow on me. If not I will just take them off. I worked hard to make them where they would come
off easy. Take the fork nut off and loosen the two axle nuts and they pull right off.
Re: Can't Wait!

dracothered said:
Maybe if they were done like this it would look better.

+1 on the photoshopped bars, that is one way cool bike!

I'd say keep the bars Uncle, it is such an original idea and goes so well with the curves of the frame.
Re: Can't Wait!

So much for doing wild. The bars do look like lawnmower handles now that it was
brought up. They are reduced to the scrap pile. I will go back to traditional and finish
the bike. I was really happy with it before so no biggie.
Re: Can't Wait!

Its kinda like if someone tells you your dog is ugly a couple times. Then you look
at him and think , you know that pup is kinda homely. :lol: :lol: :lol:
It will turn out nice without them. :wink:
Re: Can't Wait!

Too bad Uncle Stretch, this was thé chance to let your hair hang down. :wink: I thought the bars looked wicked. Maybe the 90 degree bar-ends could have a bit more flow, but in general I really liked the design. Then again, I allways like weird stuff. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Looks cool as it is now,though. No doubt about that. 8)
But I know that you'll come up with something really radical some day. Let's say something like this:

Re: Can't Wait!

Well Wimpy I can build stuff like that , but being 62 stops me from a test ride on one like that.
If I did build it someone would say "man that looks like a bridge". :D
Re: Can't Wait!

I may try something. I have done a few before and they are fairly easy if I keep
them simple. Right now I'm going to concentrate on finishing the frame. I have it
pretty well sanded. Still need to bondo the welds.
Re: Can't Wait!

Yeah I just switched my Oxygen bottle over to Argon so lead is out. I would probably
burn down my shop and if nothing else, receive some serious burns. They say you can't teach
an old dog new tricks. I never messed with lead and I'm too old to learn anything now. :oops:
I have a hard time soldering two wires together.

Did get most of the welds ground...filed...sanded down. It looks pretty good. Won't
take much bondo anyway. I added a couple angle pieces on the top of the dropouts.
It looks better so I have to make two for the bottom. Then fill in a couple tubes ends
and its ready to bondo and paint.

Re: Can't Wait!

Uncle Stretch said:
Well Wimpy I can build stuff like that , but being 62 stops me from a test ride on one like that.
If I did build it someone would say "man that looks like a bridge". :D

The "being 62"- ploy doesn't work on me,Uncle Stretch. :lol: :lol:
Ok, you're a bit older than myself (50), but ridin' a radical bike, makes you look (and feel) much younger, believe me.

Secundo: you gotta surprise people once in a while. The element of that surprise is the icing on the cake of life, being boring enough as it is.

Looks like a bridge? So what? At least it's got wheels and you can ride it 'round town and put a smile :D :D onto people's faces at the same time. Win-win situation, is my guess.

Despite my different point of view on this subject, I really dig your work. You're a true craftsman and I'm not, so please keep up the good work,Uncle (and try to put up with my comments :wink: )
