Can't Wait! AH! Now With Paint!

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Re: Can't Wait!

Thats funny Wimpy, At 50 I had a lot more energy. It will scare you what you loose after 60.
Its not that you can't do everything and you can deal with the pain when you do....Its that
you really don't want too. Now I don't sit in a rocker, but I don't have the urge to try skydiving either.
I build this stuff as an entertainment factor around here. I don't need more bikes. Trust me I have several.
I kinda consider myself as an artisan. If I build something and I think it looks good, someone always
says change it to this. They may be right but its a little hard on the ego.
I was building this frame once and it looked pretty good , but was having a little trouble on a seat position.
Everybody kept saying put the seat on the seat stays. I tried to explain to them if I was a midget or had
legs a foot long that would be an option. So finally after I got tired of the comments, I solved the problem.
I 'm glad you like what I do and I enjoy your comments.

Re: Can't Wait!

It will scare you what you loose after 60.
Its not that you can't do everything and you can deal with the pain when you do....Its that
you really don't want too.

Hmm...,that bad, huh?
In that case,I'm not really lookin' forward to the 60's (and up). Which means: I believe you on your word.
Gonna get some fun tomorrow,then. :mrgreen:

Re: Can't Wait!

They say enjoy life while you can. The only benefit to being old is I have been retired
for 6 years and its been one of the best times of my life. I use to use vacation time and
sick time. Now its all good time.
Did get the holes drilled for my shifter cable. It goes in by the neck and comes out under
the seatpost. Will hide it quiet a bit.
Re: Can't Wait!

Yeah Luke I have to do the bottom ones tomorrow and fill in the two chain stay tube ends.
I'm almost through welding. I got all the welds looking good today. A little filler and they are done.
Re: Can't Wait!

Got the other fins welded onto the drop outs, and the chain stays filled. I started putting
on the bondo. I got really bored sanding but is coming along.

Re: Can't Wait!

Thanks Lucas. Might get this finished in a couple days. Getting closer. I picked my
paint this afternoon. I'm pretty excited. Back in the 70's Chevy had a color called
Laguna Blue. its not blue and its not green ...kinda in between. This color is as close
as I have found. May have to spray it over a silver base to make it look right.
My camera makes it look a little greener than it is. Should look good.
Re: Can't Wait!

Reminds me of every Chevy Nova I saw when I was a kid.

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Re: Can't Wait!

The second coat darkened it quite a bit. May have to shoot it over white primer
to keep it as light.
Saw a bunch of Novas as a youth huh Clancy?
Re: Can't Wait!

Really close. Have it sanded and filled. Need to sand the red stuff lightly and then Paint!
That is the good news ...the bad is a front is blowing in this afternoon , with cooler temps
and rain. I hate when that happens. :cry: :cry:
Re: Can't Wait!

Uncle Stretch said:
...the bad is a front is blowing in this afternoon , with cooler temps
and rain. I hate when that happens. :cry: :cry:

Came through here last night...been raining pretty hard all day here today and it's currently 39 degrees. :shock:
Re: Can't Wait!

Rat Rod said:
Came through here last night...been raining pretty hard all day here today and it's currently 39 degrees. :shock:
hahahah...welcome to the club
Re: Can't Wait!

Thanks Duece after looking at the new posts on their scratch builds, Makes me want to
throw mine in the scrap pile. They are different styles but their execution is superb. Wish
I could TIG. Oh well :cry:

Yeah Steve I looked and its warm enough. The 70% humidity is stopping me from spraying on a
couple primer coats. I ran down and bought two cans of white, but the weather is deteriorating
rapidly and I figure I would ruin the paint. Will have to wait a day or so I guess. Thats what they say
if you don't like Texas weather then wait a day and it will change....And I left my spray booth in my other pants.

Clancy this crap weather is coming from your direction. You could have kept it.
Re: Can't Wait!

Thanks glad you like it.
The rain got here and the temp dropped probably 20 degrees / It was about 78 and now
its down to about 60. Should blow through pretty fast maybe tomorrow I can paint.

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