I got this bike a few days ago. Clearly it's a Celtonia, whatever that is. I can't seem to find ANYTHING about it online. Help please. I need some info on it...especially value.

The hub is kind of helpful and a close up of the shifter, the serial # with an idea of where it is on the bike, the dropouts, the attachment point for the seat stays to under the seat, the lugs, the chainring, the front hub the hoops, the light bracket, the bottom bracket ( is it a Bayliss Wylie? Does it have patent numbers on the cups? Covers, sprocket etc) sweet head badge . If some one has one they are going to recognize it right off. There were just so many English bike shops that badged bikes it is hard to nail one down without a little more info. Those sturmey hubs have numbers on them to date them. The shifters changed slightly over the years. The dropouts were consistent with frame suppliers. The bottom brackets tell a story and so does the light bracket. The gooseneck and makers marks hidden under them on the bars. A little more info man. Just sayin
It wasn't me I swear.