:shock: Wow! That looks really good! Nice job!
LukeTheJoker said:As to a future build being single sided swing arm, have you thought about how to do your hub yet? More than happy if you use my idea, feel free to experiment with it, I can imagine it with just 5 or 6 spokes out from one of the hub bosses to the rim, would look real nice...
Looking forward to more updates, and the modern muscle bike idea too! :wink:
LukeTheJoker said:Ah, the old coming around from behind trick 99! Had a thought about that myself regarding the taillight placement on the Cadillac, was thinking of putting one light each side with the off drive side supported by a band around behind the tire which also holds a numberplate... Mocked it up and it didn't flow with the rest of the bike, ah well...
Too true! The redesign on the rear of the Cadillac frame was maybe 3 hours and $10 for steel... I have spent far more on my Austin truck than on all my bikes put together and it is still a bare unfinished cab and a bare chassis with a motor and gearbox sitting on the ground... Wont be long now till I do start the chop top on the truck, been putting a lot of thought into how to do it, thankfully it has straight up and down side pillars and only very slightly leant back screen so should be fairly easy...RichL said:The beauty of this hobby, the costs of mistakes are minimal, you can really screw something up on the frame and what does it really cost you, 40.00, and 6-12 hours... not bad. Beats chopping the top on a car than realizing you did it wrong
Fun times...
LukeTheJoker said:RichL said:I'm hoping that you comment does not mean you have chopped a top and messed it? :shock:
LukeTheJoker said:Ah, the old coming around from behind trick 99! Had a thought about that myself regarding the taillight placement on the Cadillac, was thinking of putting one light each side with the off drive side supported by a band around behind the tire which also holds a numberplate... Mocked it up and it didn't flow with the rest of the bike, ah well...
Go for it Rich! You already are planning the rear brace so may as well add plate and lights to it!RichL said:I did not pay too much attention to this statement at first, I have spent almost no time thinking in terms of the rear end of the bike, I have spent a fair bit of time considering front end details... I always liked your Cadillac light idea for the rear on your own build, I was not sure how you would pull it off... but... now you mentioned it over here, finally the light in my own dense head went on! I may look into customizing something along those lines, if you don't mind, copying is the sincerest form of flatteryyou have a devilishy evil noodle my friend!
As for the top chop on your truck, as you mention, it is very squarish, should be easy to get it together, I saw on one of the customizing shows they placed a nice tilt on one of their chops, I had never done anything like that, it worked well on the truck they did it on an F100 mid 50's.