The guys at the bike shop who sold me these wheels swore that 3" tires would fit. I sized them up when I got home and it looked impossible. Yesterday I needed something to do so I gave it another try. I had previously put them on the rims without tubes just for a look but I went ahead and put tubes in and aired them up. Sure enough, they fit! The seats looks good and I think they will work fine. I looked up info online about wide tires on narrow rims. Advice is against it, but that was for offroad and heavy use. I only plan to cruise around on paved paths or mild offroad. So Molly will be getting fattened up. I put the rear wheel on the front after widening the forks and lengthing them with fabbed up flanges. I need brakes up front, the band brake works well, only not when rolling backwards. I'll change out the rims with wider ones if I can ever get some.
The plan is to have extensions made up for the rear wheel to be situated farther back and lower to fit the big tire. These are 3" tires but measure only 2.5" wide on these rims. I'll have to make the changes large enough for wider width when they get wider rims. The front forks are already set. I'm having the bike ship lace in a rear hub into the front wheel, identical to what was on there, so I'll have two of the same wheel, with band brakes front and rear. I may have a smaller freewheel cog on one to have a different ratio. The dropout extensions will have to have enough
slot to take up the slack in the chain between the two cogs, if I change the wheels back and forth. I think the lower ratio it has now with a 48/24 will be the way to go. The weight even without a rear wheel feels like 40 lbs.
The plan is to have extensions made up for the rear wheel to be situated farther back and lower to fit the big tire. These are 3" tires but measure only 2.5" wide on these rims. I'll have to make the changes large enough for wider width when they get wider rims. The front forks are already set. I'm having the bike ship lace in a rear hub into the front wheel, identical to what was on there, so I'll have two of the same wheel, with band brakes front and rear. I may have a smaller freewheel cog on one to have a different ratio. The dropout extensions will have to have enough
slot to take up the slack in the chain between the two cogs, if I change the wheels back and forth. I think the lower ratio it has now with a 48/24 will be the way to go. The weight even without a rear wheel feels like 40 lbs.