This bike is just awsome, not to mention you have a story behind it all. The tube badge is SWEET! not to mention the seat stitching, that looks like it can be time consuming. Worth it from the looks of it though
Such kind compliments from all who are following clover really hit more than you can know.
Certainly if I have a story behind the cycle it's because Ramsey & cycling scripted it. They directed the plot. It's all them man!
My dad was the kind of guy who failed upwards, you know? The kind of guy that when he stumbled, he wouldn't fall. No.
This guy would regain his stride two steps ahead of everyone else. People around him could sense his momentum in life. Awsome.
The clover build itself has rolled along with like momentum! it's unreal. You think good script is easy to read? Sure it is.
Not the all star builder you have in Charles. I like to mess stuff up a lot on the way to finishing it. Sorry, just happens.
That kind of stuff is just not happening on clover lane. Stick to the plot: A good bike. A parts bike. A rat bike. Allgood dad.
Finish is in sight:
Yes. The few last details will be put to the machine and it will be sweet. All in all and at the end of the day I have a solid bicycle.
I'll even be able to go over and by the old family home on clover lane riding my cycle proud.
But you all know better. This is the way we stay close. This is the kind of thing that we do to stay tight with, you know? Sure you do.
The amount of time I put in on clover was so small compared to the lifetime of work Ramsey put in on me.
Hit square in the jaw I was one day and stand now knowing I have the luck of the Irish.
Back in the day when either of us would make something made of metal & that was previously broken work we would each marvel.
We would each say "keen" or "whatta u gonna do with that?"
Here is the best part.
And when we couldn't make it work he would always say :
"That's the way it goes. But every now and then & once in a while, it goes the other way too."