Columbia Project

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Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Rating - 0%
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This bike I bought at an automotive swap meet for $20.00 I plan on making it into a mens bike by cutting off the top parallel tube and welding in two new tubes, a curved tube on top and a striaght bar underneath like the mens columbia bikes. This is about what it looked like when I got it.

This is what it looks like now. I have on order a new set of wheels with the back wheel having an 8 speed nexus hub with roller brake. I will be getting either a nirve or electra brown leather seat with matching grips. Both tires will be like the rear tire in this picture. I am thinking on doing the frame in flat black powdercoat with some pinstripes maybe.

I got specs on the Nexus hub and I'll only have to tweak the rear stays a little to make the new combo fit.

I have a new idea and would like some opinions. All flat black powdercoat on the frame, forks, and chain guard with pinstripes, chrome wheels and springer parts, the new idea part is putting some shortened fenders on it powdercoated in flat red. What do you think?
I had some time today to do a little work on my columbia. I started the sex change operation on it and it looks pretty good. It's only tacked in place and I have more to do such as adding the lower straight bar and customizing the top tube with lightening holes. I changed the seat tube to a larger diameter piece so I can put in stronger seat posts and I also layed the seat tube back a little bit. I'm going to try to get a friend to tig it together so the welds look good. It will be a flat black frame. The saddle is Brooks with very cracked leather. Special thanks to my son's friend Eric for helping me tonight!
Here's the rear rim with the Nexus 8-speed hub and roller brake. Can't wait to ride this sucker especially now that the weather is getting nicer! Thanks Magic Rat for trueing it up for me!!!!!


Somebody please tell me why every picture gets the right side cut off! Is it just on my computer or is it my settings on this site? This was a picture of the whole wheel and I only see about 2/3's of it.
i'm pretty sure we figured out that it's a peculiarity of Firefox... apparently, Firefox and this site software disagree on that edge or something. most people (me included) say they just right-click and select "view image" if they think they're missing something...

edit: internet explorer doesn't do it

Not sure if you're trying to say that the site is somehow using firefox or me but I don't use firefox, I use explorer. Steve, do you have any ideas why it's doing this?
I'm using PhotoBucket. After I upload pics, I edit them and RESIZE them to "Message board" size. This works for me, hope it helps ya. 8)
Kota, thanks man! I went back to photobucket and did all the pics in this thread. It's going to be time consuming editing all of the pics I've posted in this site though! Thanks again :wink:

EDIT: Kota, I found out that you can set it up in Photobucket so that it automatically makes them message board size while you upload the pictures from your pc.
More progress....more pics! This is the seat I'll most likely be using.

This is the part I removed from the girls frame

This is the new top tube and the yellow one is what I'm going to use for the next step

This should give the idea.....
I drilled six 1" holes evenly spaced in the top tube all the way through. I inserted the short yellow pieces that I cut from the Schwinn Continental top tube and fitted them all and tacked them in place. I also installed the bottom straight bar which is 1/2". Fishmouthing all these joints took the most time of any of the steps so far.


Here is it with the soft tank I'll be using.

This tank has a zipper on the left side which opens it up to store things inside. It is attached to the top tube and straight bar with snaps.
Thanks! Kota, go back and re-read my post about photobucket.......
My friend who is going to Tig it for me has a Jr. Dragster in his shop that he has to finish up so he will not be able to weld my bike for a week or so. That's ok, it'll give me some time to get the bike disassembled and do some other things on it. Anybody know how to get this kickstand apart??

I have removed and rebuilt one of my kickstands on a columbia,but its been a while.Tomorow when im back at the shop I'll take a look at it to refresh my memory and post it for ya.As I recall it was a slight pain in the @ss,so I'de be happy to help you out with some direction.

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