Hey guys.Dindnt document the building of this cause' it just kinda happened.I had the Unicycle laying around and told a buddy of mine that i was lookin for an old aluminum cooler,10 minutes later he came back and left one behind the shop(I love having friends who get things done in a timley manner).Cut the top of the schwinn unicycle of and welded a stearing tube form a junk bike on so that I could use a standard quill stem/bars.Went to the trift store across the street and grabed a bunch of bed rails out of the dumpster to make the frame for the cooler(had to put the horseshoe on so you can still open a cold one with the bottle opener).Cut a ladies bike in half for the two downtubes and done.The looks I get on this are more frequent then any other bike Ive made.Just wanted to share the idea with you guys,pretty simple to do.I would love to see some other versions that you creative folk can come up with.Working on one more now incorpirating a wagon.