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shes seems to be back to new/normal !!! :D she crys a little bit but im convinced its because of the collar and not pain, we took the bandage off this morning, it was limiting here field of vision from here good eye, so as soon as we did, it was all wags from there :mrgreen: of course shes enjoying being spoiled too, shes getting the hang of wearing the collar too but i know shed love to ditch it. she looks a bit rough now, but shes always been a tough little dog.

pics are here if ya want to see, little odd, but not gory like youd think.

she just woke up from nappin in the pics ... G_2850.jpg ... G_2851.jpg
Sweet looking dog! Saw the name Ellis in your photobucket account. Is that your name? If it is... weird... That's my name too!
Just an update, Maizes surgery supposedly went well today, she has to stay the night for observation tho. Its probably the first time she has ever had to sleep alone, at least since we got her. Im sure she's pretty sad and lonely right now... 9 am cant come soon enough, thanks again for the kind words.
This is Ruby (white & black) and Tux (black & white).

Oooo, I am all about posting pictures of my little monsters!! :D

here are my two plus one that's my moms WHO was once upon a time was mine but was commandeered anyway here they are:

Penelope my english bulldog on the way home from getting her in Oklahoma from the breeder.

Penelope now (6months old)

Gretchen my boston terrier.

and Betty the pug... the queen 'B' of the bunch.
now thats a party cupcake !!!

as for penny, got the stitches out today (and pitched the e-collar :!: ) and shes doin fine and dandy, we got the news on the bad eye and it is Primary Glaucoma (what we didnt want to hear), so the vet thinks she will have another year or so of site out of her good eye since its already shown signs of pressure. The vet kinda seemed like there are eye surgeries to MAYBE help her out with keeping her sight longer but theres a huge BUT. you cant wait until the sight starts to get worse in the eye BUT if the surgery doesnt take, she would be blind from the surgery :shock: ... i want to help her as much as i can, but i cant decide which way is better. right now id rather keep medicating it and just hope we can last as long as possible, id hate to go ahead and have her go thru another surgery that may blind her before it gives up from natural courses. right now shes happy so im happy. what would you guys do ?
here she is now that the stitches and cone are gone, still got some fur to grow back around her eye and where the iv was

the cone kinda kept here mellow, now shes full of fight again :) here she is attacking the camera (and a pic of my googlie eye too :wink: )
sensor said:
man ccr......thats a real tough one! did he give any kind of % on success rates theyve had before?

no favorable percentage, he basically said its 50/50 from what he has seen, not many people/pets he sees around here go through with it for whatever reason. and its not really a cure, just buys some time is all if it goes well.
Cupcakecruiser and Sking - nice looking pups!

CCR, Penelope is looking much happier without the collar! Tough call on the surgery... She's been responding to the medication right? Didn't the pressure go down?

tomb - how was Maize's homecoming?
Triggerfish- Maize is doing great, thanks for asking. Shes got a a big "seam" down her leg and shes a bit gimpy but getting around and chasing the cats just fine. Our biggest worry is she likes to swan dive off of the couch and bed (cant be good) but MAN that little booger is fast, even on 3 legs!
Thanks agian for asking :D
I wanted to ask- based on your name, are you a fishkeeper? I keep africal cichlids...
Hah nah his names buddy. Weird thing bout that dog, he likes being dressed up he gets pissed if u take the stuff off when u put it on. He will walk around all day with a hoodie on and as long as the glasses stay on hes happy haha. Thanks sensor. ;)
tomb said:
Triggerfish- Maize is doing great, thanks for asking. Shes got a a big "seam" down her leg and shes a bit gimpy but getting around and chasing the cats just fine. Our biggest worry is she likes to swan dive off of the couch and bed (cant be good) but MAN that little booger is fast, even on 3 legs!
Thanks agian for asking :D
I wanted to ask- based on your name, are you a fishkeeper? I keep africal cichlids...

Glad Maize is back up and (wow!) running :) My pups love playing with my mother-in-law's cats when we visit. I bet it is a sight to see Maize in pursuit!

I used to have a reef tank until about a year ago. Ran it for close to ten years. I got obsessed with Jawfishes for a while, but always loved Triggers. I'll get back into the hobby one day when the kids are a little older... They eat up $ faster then the tank did! I'll have to find and post some pics of my old tank. Got any pics of those cichlids?
More bad news .... its been almost 5 weeks and the other eye went blind last night, -----> emergency room visit gotta IV full of some drug (?monoxacilan?) and cleared back up where she could see fine again, -----> visit this morning and the pressure was still going down but not great told to double the drops and hope for the best, ------> hour ago, completely blind again :( looks like it just wasnt meant to be, right now were just double dosin her hoping it helps relieve some pain but im pretty sure the other eye has got to go too now :cry: Shes still waggin her tail at the moment when you talk to here and shes actually sniffin her way around okay, just sad to know shes in pain again and watchin her bump into things.
