couldnt find the show us your pets thread.......

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CCR, im really sorry to hear about Penny's turn.
I dont have anything else to say . im so sorry...
well the drops are working to some extent, it cleared back up about 30 minutes after i posted here last, but its happened again since then and cleared back up again with more drops (so we are giving her 3x whats suggested :!:) , at this rate, we will be burning through about $200 a month on eyedrops alone (if it doesnt act up more frequently), its not really about money though. just the whole in pain/out of pain / in pain thing is whats gettin to me (and im sure its not fun for her either), the preventive surgery stuff will likely not be an option at this point either :( she rode with me to pick up a bike today and has pretty much been at my heels all day like a shadow. gonna be hard to see the other eye go, but itll be better that seein her hurt. at least thats how im feeling at this point.

thanks for all the comments, i dont mean to bring people down, just had to vent about it i guess :roll:
Hoping for the best for Penny.

I had to have my 14 year old Black Retreiver put down a couple months back, He was very healthy for all but the last few months of his life, he was in heart failure and was going downhill. Having him put down was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I just couldn't stand to see him in pain anymore. He lived a good life, RIP Scout.

I do have an indoor dog, his name is Buddy and we got him from Daschund rescue 6 years ago. He is a longhaired mini. He was raised in a puppy mill that sold pups to pet shops, and when sales were slow that would also sell to the organizers of local pit bull dog fights. They would use the pups to start the fights between the big dogs... very sad.

But they got busted and we ended up with him. When we first got him he was very timid and very shy. He had never been on grass before since he was raised in a cage. But he bonded with me real quick, and when we brought him home, he knew everything was going to be ok.

Now he is one of the most laid back dogs I have ever had, he follows me everywhere without a leash, never tries to run off or go out of the yard. He is very outgoing and loves to meet anyone that comes around. He has never tried to bite anyone, even little kids that sometimes get in his face.

Here's the little couch potato in his normal pose...

CCR, sorry to hear about your dogs eyes. I had a mini Schnauzer that went blind when she was 4. Lived to age 9. I was her seeing eye person for 5 yrs. She actually did real well and adapted. She never read many books or watched much TV anyway. :wink:

Here's my girl...Roxy the Giant Schnauzer. She's 5, and went through the Schutzhund police dog training. She blew out her knee (cruciate ligament, also called ACL) a couple of years ago and had to have surgery. She's retired from Schutzhund, but she had a litter of pups last year. Here are pics of a couple of the pups. Hank, the pick of the litter, is now a year old and is a really cool dog. He does the agility training and is really good at it. His little sister Maddy was the runt. She's just a pet but is happy doing that. B607


Sorry about Scout RF62, must have been tough. great to hear Buddy found a home with ya tho ! Penny is about 90% couch potato too, but if you let her outside her ears turn off and she follows her nose wherever it leads her. planned to get a fence put up so she can wander around without being leashed. my parents have a daschund too, named Weezy and is 12 years old and my brother has one named Oscar 2 years old, hes a pint-sized stick of dynamite with no fear whatsoever !!! both are short haired black minis.

I always liked schnauzers too, very distinguished looking dogs IMO impressivewhat some dogs are capable of too

as for Penny, shes going to get her right eye taken out on thursday :( before the pain set in and she was just losing her sight she still managed to get were she wanted just fine, she could find my chair, the couch, her bed, food/water, door in a matter of 2 nights, really surprised me. steps were actually a little comical to watch her go down, she gets on the step and touches the next one with her nose before she goes down to it. acted like thats how she did it all along though. the pressure is pretty bad right now and waiting 6 days is more than id like to wait, but those are the cards dealt and im sure there are other animals that need help too.
sorry to hear that about penny :(
on the bright side bassets have really great noses only second to blood hounds and she should be able to adapt pretty well......and then theres the not in pain part(although the e collar is going to be tough again)
best of luck to both of you!
havent been to the vet yet (scheduled for thurs) i think the nerve in here eye is dying because she doesnt seem to be in much pain at the moment. shes moving around and making her way just fine though despite being blind, i believe shell adjust just fine :)

still looks pretty painful tho :!:
CCR, how is penny doing? im still super sad to hear about her eye, sounds like she will get around just fine though. Imagine that, a Dog with a seeing eye human! :)

I have some pretty exciting news, my wife and I have been accepted as volunteers for local, large no kill animal rescue. So we are going to be fostering a dog or 2. This rescue is pretty cool, they rescue dogs from the pound, or they accept dogs from people that cant take care of them anymore, that is if their volunteers have room. All dogs live in a "home" environment until they get adopted by their new, forever home.
Since my wife and just bought a house over the summer, and have extra room, we figured its time to share our love of animals. We mostly want to do little ones that will be compatible with Maize.
tomb said:
CCR, how is penny doing? ...

home and doing fine, she came home yesterday and in about 30 minutes she started crying like crazy, i thought the drugs were wearing off and the pain was setting in, turns out she just realized the e-collar was back on and was mad :roll: :lol: but shes eating and staying as active as she was before.

the cone is giving her some troubles getting around, its hanging up on stuff and doesnt let her hear as well which is kind of important to a blind dog). im pretty confident shell be just fine after its gone (2 weeks) went to work today and came home and her food / water was gone and she was up on the couch, i just cant help but wonder how many things she got hung up on and how long it took her to get where shes was going though :lol:

im pretty sure shes gonna be my constant shadow from here on out, and i dont mind a bit :mrgreen:

the eye (or lack of) looks a bit rougher than before but the vet said everything went fine and dandy, lots of swelling at them moment but she doesnt seem to be in any pain at all :?: :!:


great to hear you guys are doin such a selfishless thing !!! from the chihuahuas ive met, im sure Maize will be happy to boss some other dogs around from time to time :mrgreen:
awwww, she look like such a sweetie. happy thoughts for a fast recovery!

We picked up our first foster today, a year old rat terrier named Twister. No pics yet, I think he will get adopted fast, already had lots of interest at the event we picked him up at (from another foster who needed some room).
CCR & Tomb, God bless you for taking such good care of our furry friends!

We just got our fourth foster dog through a Golden Retreiver Rescue. He is a sweet 12 year old former breeder stud. He's lived most of his life in an outdoor kennel. As you can see , he's adapting...

nice wabbit chimi !!!

thought id add a pic of penny all healed up, shes adapted great too !!! she may not have eyes anymore but she can see just fine. navigates the house just fine in the middle of remodeling too. she has gotten a bit lazier but she wasnt really a sporting dog in the first place.

had to get a picture of my two knuckle heads on here too. the Jack Russle is FLASH.....

and our German Shorthair/Lab is SIERRA....(with the milk mustash :lol: )

Flash had a bad bout with an intestinal infection that lasted from Thanksgiving to NewYears. it's so hard to see them in pain, and when a JackRussle is not feeling well it's crystal clear to the whole world :(
i'm like CCR, i'd walk barefoot to the ends of the earth for these two.
hey if Penny had to loose her sight, that nose sees 10 times better than ANY of our eyes. and that's on a bad day! She's a trooper, and you're one hell of a dad :wink: Good Luck to you!
This is Lucky, my dog. He's a good boy:

Part German Shepherd, part Border Collie. Was hard work when I picked him up, a bad tempered adolescent, but he's perfect now!
Wife and I went to the dog pound 12 years ago to get a dog. I walked right by what I thought was a mangy old dog. Next thing I know Wife is walking that mangy old dog around the shelter's yard.

"Why the heck are you considering that mangy old dog."
"She not old, she's just really dirty."

Her name is Nantucket Rose. We decided on our honeymoon on Nantucket Island in 1989 that if we ever got a dog we would name it Nantucket and call it Tucker for short. Since she is female we added the "Rose" which is apropos if you know Nantucket at all.

She has fatty cysts and cancer bumps all over her body. Two of her feet have some sort of infection that I can hinder by giving her an anti-biotic daily. Her hearing went gradually over the past two years such that I can only communicate with her via hand signals or by putting my chin on her head and saying "Good Girl" and "I love you" hoping she will hear/feel it. She is old and generally sore. She is super obedient even with the hand signals.

She is the happiest being I've ever met.

Great looking pets you guys have, here are mine.
Found the black boxer on CL, lady had to give him away cause he kept eating the chickens so cant complain about a free black boxer. I didnt even know black boxers existed until I found a article about how the Germans used them in the war. Crissy the fawn was rescued about 5 years ago when she was 1 and Morrow the cat showed up two Halloween mornigns ago and hasnt left.


